Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1980, Page 24

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1980, Page 24
22 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR TOTAL DRY BIOMASS (g/m2) TOTAL DRY BIOMASS (g/m2) Figure 5. The IR/red radiance rados for the six experimental trials. (A) 1300 on 13 07 76, (B) 1400 on 13 07 76, (C) 1500on 1307 76, (D) 0815 on 14 07 76, (E) lOOOon 1407 76, and (F) 1330 on 1407 76afterclipping. The transgenerated variables are formed from the red and IR radiances and therefore combine the properties of the red and IR radiances with respect to total dry biomass. This is evident when one consid- ers the asymptotic properties of these three transgenerations with respect to to- tal dry biomass. It appears, from visual inspection of the plotted data, that asymptotic responses from the IR/red ratio, the IR-red difference, and the veg- etation index occur at~450 to 550 g/m2. Unfortunately, more experimental plots associated with higher levels of total dry biomass were not included in this experi- ment and therefore accurate estimates of the amounts of total dry biomass as- sociated with the IR asymptotic response can not be given. They can be inferred and, based upon other work of the senior author, are thought to occur in the~450 to 550 g/m2 region. Plots containing total dry biomass from predominately green canopies over and beyond this amount cannot be effectively estamated using this method. As more dead vegetation ac- cumulates in the gross coropy, the re- lationship between the various ratio var- iables and total dry biomass become more linear (Tucker 1977). Practical Jield. use of the spectral method in lce- land It is not enough to simply report en- couraging r2 values derived from regres- sion analyses. The questions must be asked whether the spectral method of biomass estimation holds any promise in a country such as Iceland, will it prove to be practical in a field situation, and does it offer any improvements over existing methods of biomass estimation? Several constraints or iimitations of this method are apparent and include: (1) The method only works for green


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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