Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 170

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 170
16(5 surgeons for their élementarý schools. Because of the scattered and small population outside the largest towns the dentists can hardlv make their living anywhere else and it is also very difficult for the people of the more sparsely populated districts to go to the dentists, unless it is to have a set of artificial teeth made when all their teeth have decayed. There are altogether 12 dentists in Iceland who have dental clinics, 9 in Reykjavík and 3 in other of the largest towns. There is a certain amount of improvement in the fact that an increasing number of younger district physicians in the more out-of-the-way districts take up the more simple forms of dentistry to the great convenience of the inhabitants of their districts as well as for some small additional in- come for themselves. Dental mechanics only work in the service of the dentists and must not practice independentlv. Exemptions from this may, however, be granted in such districts as have no practising dentists, and the dental mechanic may he permitted to make artificial teeth for people in con- cert with the district physician concerned. But these licences have, how- ever, only very infrequently been applied for. The public health authorities are entitled to fix a tariff for dentists and dental technicians but this has not been done so far, except in so far as dental treatment has been specified in the tariff set for district physicians and practicing dentists may charge 50% in addition to that. Travelling Eye-Specialists and Dentists. . During the summer season eye-specialists travel about the country under the auspices of the Minister of Public Health with some sub- sidy from the Treasury. In this way all the inhabitants of the country get a chance to consult an eye-specialist once every year in their hoine district. It also frequently happens that dentists make tours of this kind, but so far no public subsidy has been granted for this purpose. Veterinary Surgeons. There are only 6 qualified veterinary surgeons practising in Ice- land, 5 salaried by the State and one in private practice in Reykjavík. The same applies to the veterinary surgeons as to the dentists, that the scanty population of the country makes it difficult for them to be of general service. This is, however, very inconvenient considering how great a part animal husbandry plays in Ihe occupational life of the people, and most probably this disadvantage will be still more felt if the already increasing breeding of furred animals continues. The veterinary surgeons receive salaries similar to those of the district physicians, but besides that they derive additional income from their professional work, the control of meat being not the least profit- ahle source of ineome, as there is a compulsory control hv a veterinary surgeon (or a doctor) of all meat exported from the country. The shortage of qualified veterinary surgeons is to some extent made up for by laymen some of whom have acquired a certain amount of knowledge of veterinary work. Some of these laymen even receive small public grants for their services.
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