Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 190

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 190
184 correct to say that these measures have been useless. In the preceding years no less than 2.000 tuberculous patients have been treated by doctors every year, or nearly 20%o of the whole population, and for years, tuberculosis has been the greatest cause of death, having killed annually up to 2%c of the population and as usual mostly people in the prime of life, after years or tens of years of struggle against the misery of bad health. In 1930 the number of deaths from tuberculosis reached the maximun of 232, but in 1933 it dropped suddenly from 220 the year before to 173. This progress has been maintained since. In 1938 only 106 deaths from tuberculosis occurred, or less than half the number six years before, and fewer than at any time since the number of deaths from tuberculosis were first reported separately (1911). The proportionate fall in the number of deaths due to tuberculous meningitis in addition to other factors indicates that tuberculous in- fections is in fact becoming rarer than before. Tuberculosis is now sixth in the list of causes of death, below old age, cancer, cerebral hæmorrhage, diseases of the heart and pneumonia. It is to be hoped that the misery caused by tuberculosis afflicting the Icelandic, people will now be gradually lessened, and the authorities have made all possi- ble preparations to follow up the improvement gained and exterminate tuberculosis by more radical measures than have ever been applied before. Venereal Diseases. Gonorrhea is endemic in the towns, especially in Reykjavík, although numerous cases are brought home from abroad by Icelandic seamen and other seafaring people, or the in- fection may be traced to foreign seamen who stay in this country. Besides this gonorrhea occasionally occurs in villages and fishing stations, but it is only very rarely that a case is found in the rural dislricts. During the last few years 400—600 cases (including for- eigners) haAæ been recorded by doctors, and it seems that the disease is rather increasing. Syphilis is, on the other hand, very rare in Ice- land and in by far the most numerous cases infection took place abroad, but it does, however, happen that an occasional infection is effected in the country itself. Chancre (ulcus molle) may be said to be unknown as far as the Icelanders are concerned. Freedom in love affairs and sexual licence is undoubtedly no less among the Icelanders than is the custom with other people, of which various evidences may be seen (illegitimate children about 20%). On the other hand prostitution hardly exists at all in Iceland. Cancer ancl other malignant Growths. As regards malignant growths nothing is to be said about them beyond what is to be said about them in other countries. The annual death rate from these diseases is up to 150 persons or 1—1,3%c, and even if they seem to be in- creasing' it is perhaps due to the fact that more people attain an age when cancer is frequent than before, besides that the diagnosis of malignant growths becomes more and more acc.urate every year. Lunacij. Persons in Iceland suffering from lunacy at the stage when a stay in asylums is essential number about 350, or up to 3,5%c of the population, which is no less than in the other Scandinavian
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