Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 101

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 101
81 comes to Mary’s presentation in the Temple at the age of three. He tells how Mary ascends the fifteen steps of the Temple unaided, and then follows a fine piece of learning and devotion, in which the author explains the meaning of the fifteen steps at some length (chapters 4 and 5). It would be rash to conclude that the author himself had created the allegorical interpretation because of the faet that no foreign source has so far been found. The staff of the Arnamagnean Dic- tionary in Copenhagen has made an attempt to trace the chapters in question to a Latin source, but has failed to find a connection between Continental or British literature, and the mediaeval liter- ature in Norway and Iceland which might explain why the alle- gorical expounding of the fifteen steps of the Temple combined with the fifteen Gradual Psalms (Psahn 119-133) crops up in the Old Norse Mariu saga. The intercourse between foreign centres of learning, and the Norwegian and Icelandic monasteries or cathedrals has not been fully investigated, and it is not yet safe to determine precisely how mueh Old Norse spiritual and devotional literature owes to Euro- pean ecclesiastical writings. New sources are still found which illuminate the literary conditions in mediaeval Iceland and Norway, and despite our failure in finding a source of chapters 4 and 5 of the Mariu saga, we dåre not hail the chapters as an instance of original Creative work by the author of the saga. May we hope that someone better versed in Latin ecclesiastical writings of the Middle Ages can point to a source of the two chapters in Mariu saga dealing with the presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple ? The text is here quoted in full from C. R. Unger’s edition of the saga (Chria 1871)1: Maria var heima uppfædd, J>ar til er hon var Jrrevetr, en ]?å var hon fær& til musteris drottins. En ]rå er Joachim ok Anna komo at musteri drottins, J)å settu ]rau ni9r Mariam dottur sina hiå sér å enn neSsta pall, er upp var at ganga til musterisduranna. En allz véro upp at ganga ,xv. pallar. En J)å er ])au hofSu um buiz ok ætluSu meyna upp at taka, J)å var hon komin at kirkiudurum ok haf&i gengit ån manna fullting .xv. palla. 1 7-14 (MarS). A parallel is found 346-353 (MarA). 6
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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