

Læknablaðið - 01.10.2022, Síða 26

Læknablaðið - 01.10.2022, Síða 26
454 L ÆKNABL AÐIÐ 2022/108 R A N N S Ó K N Heimildir 1. Upplýsingar um krabbamein - yfirlitstölfræði. Krabbameinsskrá Krabbameinsfélags Íslands. 2016-2020. rannsoknasetur/upplysingar-um-krabbamein/yfirlitstolfraedi/ - janúar 2022. 2. Larønningen S FJ, Bray F, Engholm G, et al. NORDCAN: Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Prevalence and Survival in the Nordic Countries, Version 9.1. 2021. nordcan.iarc.fr/ - janú- ar 2022. 3. Mehnert A, Brahler E, Faller H, et al. Four-week prevalence of mental disorders in patients with cancer across major tumor entities. J Clin Oncol 2014; 32: 3540-6. 4. Lu D, Andersson TM, Fall K, et al. Clinical Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Immediately Before and After Cancer Diagnosis: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study in Sweden. JAMA Oncol 2016; 2: 1188-96. 5. Fang F, Fall K, Mittleman MA, et al. Suicide and cardiovascular death after a cancer diagnosis. N Engl J Med 2012; 366: 1310-8. 6. Hofmarcher T, Lindgren P, Wilking N, et al. The cost of cancer in Europe 2018. Eur J Cancer 2020; 129: 41-9. 7. Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: A new EU approach to prevention, treatment and care. European Commission 2021. ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_342 - janúar 2022. 8. Innleiðing krabbameinsáætlunar hafin. Stjórnarráð Íslands 2019. stjornarradid.is/ raduneyti/heilbrigdisraduneytid/heilbrigdisradherra/stok-raeda-heilbrigdisrad- herra/2019/02/01/Innleiding-krabbameinsaaetlunar-hafin/ - janúar 2022. 9. Áttavitinn - vísaðu okkur veginn. Rannsókn á reynslu fólks sem greindist með krabbamein á árunum 2015 -2019. Krabbameinsfélag Íslands, Reykjavík 2021. krabb.is/rannsokn - janúar 2022. 10. Kræftpatienters behov og oplevelser med sundhedsvæsenet under udredning og behand- ling. Kræftens Bekæmpelses Barometerundersøgelse, 2017. cancer.dk/deldinviden/ - janúar 2022. 11. Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S. Bergman B, et al. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30: a quality-of-life instrument for use in international clinical trials in oncology. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85: 365-76. 12. Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. J Gen Intern Med 2001; 16: 606-13. 13. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Fifth ed. 2013: Arlington, VA. 14. Kangas M. DSM-5 Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders: Implications for Screening for Cancer-Related Stress. Front Psychiatry 2013; 4: 122. 15. Lundberg FE, Andersson TM, Lambe M, et al., Trends in cancer survival in the Nordic countries 1990-2016: the NORDCAN survival studies. Acta Oncol 2020; 59: 1266-74. 16. Birgisson H, Baldursson Ó, Þorvaldsdóttir H, et al. Bréf til blaðsins, Gæðaskráning fyrir krabbamein. Samkomulag Landspítala, Sjúkrahússins á Akureyri og Krabbameinsfélags Íslands um staðlaða skráningu á greiningu og meðferð krabbameina. Læknablaðið 2020; 106: 432-4. 17. Unger JM, Vaidya R, Albain KS, et al. Sex Differences in Risk of Severe Adverse Events in Patients Receiving Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, or Chemotherapy in Cancer Clinical Trials. J Clin Oncol 2022; 40: 1474-86. E N G L I S H S U M M A R Y Cohort study on the experiences of cancer diagnosis and treatment in Iceland in the years 2015-2019 INTRODUCTION: In the coming years, an increase in the number of cancer cases can be expected in Iceland. It is important to gain more insight into the experiences of the diagnostic- and treatment phase among those diagnosed with cancer to improve quality of life and life expectancy. METHODS: The study included 4575 individuals diagnosed with cancer between 2015 and 2019 in Iceland, 18 years or older at the time. Participants answered an on-line questionnaire once between 2020 and 2021. RESULTS: A total of 1672 (37%) individuals responded to the questionnaire. The mean age at diagnosis was 59 years (±12). The majority of participants were informed on their cancer diagnosis during a doctor’s appointment (67%), but a quarter (25%) received the information by telephone. A total of 77% of participants were satisfied with the diagnostic process, thereof relatively fewer women than men (73% vs. 83%) (p<0,001). Fewer of those who received the cancer diagnosis by telephone were pleased with the diagnostic process (62%) compared with those receiving information during a doctor’s appointment (85%) (p<0,001). More women (58%) than men (33%) expressed the need for support regarding mental well-being from healthcare professionals during the diagnostic process (p <0.001). In 2015, 36% of participants started treatment more than month after diagnosis, compared with 51% in 2019. The need for various specific resources during treatment, e.g. physiotherapy, psychological services or nutritional counseling were regularly assessed among 20-30% of participants. CONCLUSION: A quarter of respondents diagnosed with cancer received information about the diagnosis over the phone instead of an interview. There is a suggestion that the time from diagnosis to the start of cancer treatment is increasing. It is necessary to assess whether it is possible to support individuals with cancer better during the diagnostic- and treatment phase based on their individual needs. doi 10.17992/lbl.2022.10.710 Jóhanna Torfadóttir1,2 Sigrún Eva Einarsdóttir1 Ásgeir R. Helgason1,3 Birna Þórisdóttir4 Rebekka Björg Guðmundsdóttir2 Anna Bára Unnarsdóttir2 Laufey Tryggvadóttir5,6 Helgi Birgisson5 Guðfinna Halla Þorvaldsdóttir1 1The Icelandic Cancer Society, 2Centre of Public Health Sci- ences, University of Iceland, 3Reykjavik University, 4Health Sci- ence Institute, 5ICS Research and Registration Center, 6Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. Correspondence:Jóhanna Torfadóttir, jet@hi.is Key words: cancer, public health, cohort study, cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment.



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