
Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Blaðsíða 123

Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Blaðsíða 123
The dnig-AIDS hypothesis * the mothers, and that “up to 60% at 18 months” of HlV-posities were on AZT. By 18 months 40% of the HlV-positive babies had apparently completely recov- ered from maternal drugs, despite HIV, because they were nor treated with AZT nor were any deaths report- ed. However, up to 60% apparently had suffered inter- mittent diseases from AZT and residual damage of maternal drug use. Thus the normal performance of 40% of the HlV-positive group, 18 rnonths after with- drawal from maternal drugs, was hidden by the subnor- mal performance of the HlV-group that was an average ofAZT recipients and untreated babies (see 7.7.). It follows that discontinuation of recreational and antiretroviral drugs before a critical threshold is reac- hed prevents or even cures AIDS in HlV-positives. In sum, this chapter documents that the drug-AIDS hypothesis correctly predicts all facts of American/European AIDS, while the HlV-hypothesis predicts none. 7. HOWTHE HIV/AIDS 0RTH0D0XY DIVORCES DRUGS FROM AIDS Despite abundant evidence for drug pathogenicity, the orthodox medical literature almost unanimously disregards diseases from recreational drugs. Wearing their HIV/AIDS blinkers, AIDS researchers even fail to make the drug connection when matched groups of drug users, differing only in HIV, have the same dis- eases and high motrtality. Whereas, the diseases and high mortality of HlV-positive drug users are credited to HIV, those of HlV-negatives are credited to other microbes and even to contaminants of street drugs rather than to the psychoactive drugs themselves 35'‘10’8|S' 301324 (see 3. and below). But even when drug use is recognized as a direct AIDS risk, the role of drugs is divorced from AIDS by unscientific manipulations including misrepresenta- tions, double-standards, omissions of facts and controls and outright censorship. The following examples sub- stantiate these assertions: 7.1. Disregarding drugs. Although 3.6 million Americans are regular users of cocaine and at least 0.6 million are addicted to heroin (see3.) and a third of the 500,000 American AIDS patients are confirmed long- term intravenous drug users 3’ “•26, the pathogenic effects of long-term cocaine and heroin use are not studied anywhere in the US and Europe n'16’26,121. But at least 100,000 American PhDs and MDs are study- ing the hypothetical pathogen HIV ",121. A tendentious article in Science described the mood perfectly in 1994 with the quote from a distinguished HIV/AIDS toxicologist, “heroin is a blessedly untoxic drug” ’6. But unbeknown to Science and its readers, growing numbers of American entertainment stars and junkies are dying from heroin. In the same year in which Science described the “blessedly untoxic” heroin, the US Dept. of HHS recorded 2910 male and 601 female heroin “decedents” (see 3.1 and Table 4) 61. The stories of some were just described in the San Francisco Chronicle under the title “Heroin is in fashion - and death statistics prove it” 325. Uninformed or even misinformed (see below) by the trusted medical orthodoxy, the general public and even those who have a direct interest or mandate to warn against drug use are unaware of drug diseases. For example, the Bureau of Justice Stastistics, the Drug Strategies foundation and drug control officials from the White House who publish The National Drug Control Strategy: 1996 never warn about the medical consequences of drug use, except that they might lower vigilance against infection by HIV and other microbes 28,52,53,55.74 feg 3J), Although the National Drug Control Study: 1996 is concerned about the safety of “Americas [non-drug using] citizens” because “Hardcore drug users fre- quently are ‘vectors’ for the spread of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV.” 5:l, the Study misses the point that drugs cause the immunodeficien- cy necessary for these microbes to be pathogenic. It is for this reason that hardcore drug users are virtually the only “American citizens” who are victims of these microbes. Although inhaling nitrites has been illegal in the US since 1988, because of an “AIDS link” (see 3.), inhaling has been practised by at least 4.2 million Americans in 1992, according to a survey of the National Institute of Drug Abuse 31. In spite of this, nitrites are not listed as an illegal drug category of their own by the Bureau of Justice Statistics 52, Drug Strategies 51, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) of the US Department of HHS 61,85, or the President’s National Drug Control Study: 1996 53. LÆKNANEMINN 121 1. tbl. 1997, 50. árg.
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