
Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Blaðsíða 128

Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Blaðsíða 128
Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick and of which most are now treated with AZT and other toxic antiviral drugs, is compared to that of untreated, HlV-free hemophiliacs (see 7.8.) 22-2,í-s».m_ Naturally, all excess mortality from immunosuppres- sive transfusions, AZT and other anti-HIV/AIDS drugs is credited to HIV. This practice obscures the role of drugs and other non-contagious risk factors in AIDS in favor ofHIV. 7.8. Hiding evidence that AZT accelerates death, eleven examples. In an effort to hide the emerging tragedy, the medical establishment either trivializes or disclaims the evidence that AZT causes diseases and accelerates death. An analysis of several of the above cited examples of AZT-accelerated morbidity and mor- tality (see 4.) documents this assertion: 1) The observation that among male homosexuals, “HIV dementia among those reporting any antiretrovi- ral use (AZT, ddl, ddC, or d4T) was 97% higher than among those not using this antiretroviral therapy” is interpreted by its authors with little concern for per- centages: “This effect was not statistically significant” 117 2) The stunning results that HlV-positive hemophil- iacs on AZT have 4.5-times more AIDS and have a 2.4-times higher mortality than untreated HIV-posi- tive hemophiliacs, is excused by the NIH researcher James Goedert, the former proponent of the nitrite- AIDS hypothesis (see 3.), with the casual explanation, "probably because zidovudine was administered first to those whom clinicians considered to be at highest risk” 204. But, although AZT apparently increased the mor- bidity and mortality of hemophiliacs significantly, Goedert et al. did not question the appropriateness of AZT therapy. 3) Darby et al. report in Nature in 1995 that the mortality of HlV-positive British hemophiliacs increased 10-fold since the introduction of AZT in 1987 l83. The authors acknowledge that “treatment, by prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or with zidovudine [AZT] has been widespread” in HIV- positive hemophiliacs. But instead of even considering that these drugs could play a role in accelerating the deaths of hemophiliacs, they argued that “HlV-associ- ated mortality has not been halted by these treatments”- 183. They failed to explain why HlV-associated mortal- ity would have risen 10-fold only after the introducdon ofAZT and other anti-AIDS therapies in 1987, rather than in the two decades before 1985 when HIV was unknowingly transfused into hemophiliacs together with clotting factor 24. 4) Saah et al. explain their observation that male homosexuals on AZT have a two- to four-fold higher risk of Pneumocystis pneumonia than untreated con- trols as follows: “Zidovudine was no longer significant after T-helper lymphocyte count was considered, pri- marily because nonusers had higher cell counts...” 201. The fact that an inhibitor of DNA synthesis designed to kill human cells would reduce lymphocyte counts was not mentioned. 5) An evaluation of AIDS prophylaxis with AZT produced in 1994 the following results: “the average time with neither a progression of disease nor adverse event was 15.7, 15.6, and 14.8 months for padents receiving placebo, 500 mg zidovudine, and 1500 mg zidovudine, respectively. ...After 18 months, the 500- mg group gained an average of 0.5 month without dis- ease progression, as compared with the placebo group, but had severe adverse events 0.6 month sooner.” On this basis the authors concluded that, “...a reduction in the quality of life due to severe side effects of therapy approximately equals the increase in the quality of life associated with a delay in the progression of HIV dis- ease” 202. It remains unclear, however, how one gains 0.5 months “without disease progression” while one has “severe adverse effects” 0.6 months sooner. In view of this one wonders why since 1994 at least 220,000 mostly healthy, HlV-positive people continue to receive AZT, either by itself or combined with other drugs like protease inhibitors, all of which have no therapeutic value and cost the patient or tax payer over $12,000 per year 26. 6) The blunt result that AZT prophylaxis reduced survival from 3 to 2 years, and caused “wasting syn- drome, cryptosporidiosis, and cytomegalovirus infec- tion ... almost exclusively” in AZT-treated AIDS patients, was interpreted like this: “The study of patients who progress from primary HIV infection to AIDS without receiving medical intervention gives insights into the effects of medical intervention on pre- sentation and survival after developing an AIDS defm- ing illness”. But the nature of these “insights” was not revealed by the authors 203. 7) The largest test of AIDS prophylaxis with AZT of LÆKNANEMINN 126 1. tbl. 1997, 50. árg.
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