Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Síða 78

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Síða 78
84 Fossil Metasequoia From Mikines, Faroe Islands The bed is partly covered with stones and earth, blocks of stones have fallen down from it, and in course of time the outer edge of the bed has been reduced in such a degree that very little remains to be found in the present conditions. However, judging from the few finds that were done this time, the former finds are to all appearance characteristic of the bed. Of the Faroe Islands the island of Mykines is farthest to the west. It stretches from east to west for abt. 8 kilo* metres and its full breadth is 2—3 kilometres. The highest mountain is the Knúkur (560 metres). A gorge, the Hólm* gjógv, separates the islet of Mykineshólmur from the island. There is a bridge across the gorge. On the islet — to the east, near the Hólmgjógv — is the mountain of Klettur (133 metres). The beds of the Mykines dip southeastwards (on the Hólmur and on the west side of the island abt. 13°) and east=southeastwards (on the east side of the island abt. 8°). They all belong to the lower basalt sequence, so low that they are to be correlated with the basalt sequence in the southern part of the Suðuroy. As is the case with this island, a little coal is to be seen in several places in the intrabasaltic sediments, f. ex. on the Hólmur, on the Fjøru= dalsnes, on the north and on the east side of the island, and in the cliffs of the south side. As mentionned above, the fossils treated here have been found on the Fjørudalsnev. The point of Fjørudalsnes protrudes to the west between the cave of Viðarhelli and the cleft of Lendingsgjógv, near the village of Mykines. The point rises abruptly to the north, to the Viðarhelli, and slopes down to the Lend^ ingsgjógv. The top of the point is sward*covered, with old boatshoases and boatíhouse sites. At the very end of the point the sward has fallen down and the subsurface lies uncovered. A section that has been taken gave the following result:
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