Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Page 79
Fossil Metasequoia From Mikines, Faroe Islands
20 — 20,35 metres Brown clay. 3 thin bands of iron
clay stone are to bee seen in the
clay. The lowest band is abt. 3
centimetres wide, the upper bands
are only a few millimetres.
20,35 — 20,40 metres Rather fat, dark shale.
20,40 — 21 metres Blue black shale.
21 — 22 metres Sandy conglomerate (the grains are
smooth, their diametres up to '/2
22 — 25 metres Red tufaceous clay, at the top multi*
Some chips of coal appear in the band 20,35 — 20,40
metres, and the fossil plants already mentionned (Hartz
1903, Rasmussen 1925) and the fossil plants of this treatise
have been found here, too. To all appearance, the band
on the Fjørudalsnev does not stretch very far. This band
and the one disappearing into the water in the Lendings*
gjógv seem to be identical.
The fossil plants.
By B. Eske Koch.
The described collection consists of 25 shale specimens
with plant impressions. It belongs to Føroya Jarðfrøðisavn
(The Faroe Museum of Natural History), Tórshavn, and
it was collected by R. Rasmussen in 1925. The numbers
refer to the Føroya Jarðfrøðisavn catalogue.
The rock is a fissile, dark brown shale. A part of the
impressions is so well preserved that it shows enough
details for description and determination. The impressions
show exclusively the vegetative parts. The majority of them
belongs to Metasequoia occidentalis (Newb.) Chaney. The