Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Page 84
Fossil Metasequoia From Mikines, Faroe Islands
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Plate 1: Metasequoia occidentalis (Newb.) Chaney.
1. Shale specimen showing several long shoots with attached short
shoots, some of which are opposite. The arrows mark the fossil
specimen described in the text (pag. 86—87). 1:1. F. J. Cat. no. 8.
2. Fragment of a long shoot with two pairs of attached short shoots.
Besides, a few isolated short shoots are seen. 1: 1. F. J. Cat. no. 7.
3. Impression of a long shoot with several attached short shoots. Two
pairs of these consist of opposite short shoots. 1: 1. F. J. Cat. no. A.
4. Crowded, detached short shoots. 1: 1. F. J. Cat. no. 13.
Chr. Halkier phot.
Plate 2: Metasequoia occidentalis (Newb.) Chaney.
1. A section of the specimen pl. 1, fig. 1 demonstrating the basal part
of the fossil specimen marked by arrows. The central area shows