Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 102
5 tilburðir við toxoplasmosis í Føroyum
published the first case in the Faroe Islands. Toxoplasmosis is a rather
new disease and its syndrome rather varied. During recent years 5
different types of the disease have been stated. To be sure, it is a rare
disease, but is often overlooked. It is maintained that in Scandinavia
lymphoadenophaty is more frequent than myalgia, arthralgia, myocar*
ditis, and encephalitis. This is hardly correct; especially the encephalitic
cases are often overlooked. The author describes 5 cases from the
Faroe Islands. Next a typical pathological picture is instanced. First
the patient is tired and irritable, a few days later a severe headache
appears, followed by nausea and vomiting. Faints occur followed by
convulsions, and many patients get heart troubles. Often the patients
are removed to hospital for heart diseases or epilepsy. Finally is
emphasized that the disease is more frequent than it is diagnosed.
1. Astrup, A., Iversen, M. og Kjerulf, K.: Medicinsk Kompendium.
Arnold Busck, København, 1963.
2. Bamatfer, F.: Ann. Pæd. 1946: 167: 347-50.
3. Bengtsson, E.: Cardiologica 1950: 17: 289—93.
4. Biering=Søtensen, U.: Nord. Vet. Med. 1953: 5: 417—26.
5. Biering=Sørensen, U.: Nord. Vet. Med. 1956: 8: 140—64.
6. Boesen, /.: U. f. Læg. 1948: 110: 226-28.
7. Campbell, A. M. G.: Brain 1950: 73: 281-90.
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9. Christiansen, M.: Mánedsskr. f. Dyrlæger 1935/36: 47: 449-63.
10. Cole, C. R. et all: Int. Congr. Microbiol. Rome 1953: 2: 546—47.
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14. French, G.: Clin. ped. 1963: 2: 269-76.
15. Hepding, L.: Zschr. Infrankh. Haustiere 1939: 55: 109—16.
16. Kringelbach, J.: U. f. Læg. 1949: 111: 1266-69.
17. Magnusson, H. J.: Nord. Med. 1951: 45: 344-49.
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19. Mello, U.: Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 1910: 3: 359-62.
20. Momberg=Jørgensen, H. C.: Nord. Vet. Med. 1956: 8: 227—38.
21. Momberg=Jørgensen, H. C.: Nord. Vet. Med. 1956: 8: 239—48.
22. Møller, T.: Nord. Vet. Med. 1951: 3: 1073-93.