Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1963, Qupperneq 133
sea and the contiguous zone, adopted by the 1958 Geneva conference
on the law of the sea. He contends that the baselines do not to any
appreciable extent depart from the general direction of the Faroese
coastline (article 4, section 2), and that the 60 mile-long baseline to
the east is justified by the traditional and unique importance of the
coastal fisheries to the habitability of the islands (article 4, section 4).
1. Andersen, N.: Færøerne 1600—1709. København, 1895.
2. British aggression in Icelandic waters. Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Reykjavík — June 1959.
3. Fitzmaurice, Sir Gerald: Some results of the Geneva conference
on the law of the sea. Grein í The international and comparative
law quarterly, volume 8 pp. 72—121. London 1959.
4. Fulton, Thomas H7emyss: The Sovereignty of the Sea. Edinburgh
and London 1911.
5. Gidel, Gilbert: Le droit international public de la mer. I—III. Paris
1932 og 1934.
6. The Icelandic Fishery Question. Memorandum submitted by the
government of Iceland to the general assembly of the United
Nations september 1958.
7. International Court of Justice: Fisheries Case (United Kingdom
v. Norway) Judgment of December 18th, 1951. Leiden 1951.
8. International Court of Justice: Pleadings etc. Fisheries Case (United
Kingdom v. Norway) volumes I—IV. Leiden 1951.
9. Meyer, Christopher B. V.: The extent of jurisdiction in coastal
waters. Leiden 1937.
10. Rxstad, Arnold: Kongens Strømme. Kristiania 1912.
11. Sorensen, Max: The territorial sea of archipelagos. Grein í Nether-
lands international law review, special issue on the occasion of
the 70th birthday on July 5th of Professor J. P. A. Fran<;ois,
year 1959, pp. 315—331. Leiden 1959.
12. Pordarson, Gunnlaugur: Landhelgi tslands með tilliti til fiskveiðar.
Reykjavík 1952.
13. Øksnevad, Toralv: Norges fiskerigrense, mundtlige referater af
prosedyren og dommen i Haag. Oslo 1952.