Frjáls verslun

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Blaðsíða 27

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Blaðsíða 27
J V At your disposal: thc ivorkina imptements nuufc Jor 21 goverwwmetMÉs A report or study published by the Organisation for Economic Co-opera- tion and Development (OECD) represents part of the work carried out jointly bv the twenty-one Member governments (*) as a means of perfecting their pólicy measures to ensure a sound expansion of their own economies as well as of countries in the process of industrial development, and to contri- bute to the expansion of world trade. To this end, the Member governments insist on the most accurate infor- mation on all aspectsofthe economy and in particular on facts for the future on which to base current activities in the field of economic policy. Within the framework of OECD, nationa! experts of the Member coun- tries, in close collaboration with the specialists of OECD’s international Secretariat, work to furnish the governments with this first-hand informa- tion for meetings at both national and international levels. By publishing its reports and studies, OECD puts at the disposal of the private sector the planning tools intended in their original form for govern- ment use. On the following pages you, a reader of “FRJALS VERZLUN” will find a selection of OECD publications which could be of use to you. If you wish to be kept informed of new OECD publications in which you are interested - and so avoid losing touch with the latest information on probable trends in the economy - you are invited to complete and return the attached reply-card. This information is sent free of charge; you will also receive a free copy of the new OECD Catalogue of publications containing the complete list of available material, classihed by subject. (*) the world’s largest grouping of industrialised market countries : Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norwav, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
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Frjáls verslun

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