Frjáls verslun

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Blaðsíða 29

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Blaðsíða 29
Y7J * and sIikIkvs inifiated liy them Cnmmittcc Jtor Inriustrij Cnmmittcc. Encrgjj rtions CommiitM» ince of the objective of extending priminatory basis, considers problems * trade relations with each other and ee also keeps the Organisation in 1 Nations Conference on Trade and The Industry Committee and the Special Committees for Iron and Steel, Textiles, Chemical Products, Machinery, and Pulp and Paper are responsible for studying and discussing industrial problems which require co-operation among Member governments. A similar role, in their specific fields, is played by the Energy Committee and the Special Committee for Oil. Among reports and studies published : :tions is concerned with liberalising rect investment, portfolio investments, tperty and personal transfers such as operations — transfers of interest etc. f of international trade and payments Committee, Committee of Experts on ism Committee, Maritime Transport • Energy Policy, Problems and Objectives : the next fifteen to twenty years will be a period of great change for the energy industry Govern- ments have a responsibihty to ensure that energy demands are met in the best possib/e way in the l/ght of cost and convenience to customers • Oil Today. • Provisional Oil Statistics by Quarters. • The Gas Industry. • The Electricity Supply Industry. • The Textile Industry in OECD Countries • The Hides and Skins Industry. • Pulp and Paper. • The Cement Industry. • The Non-Ferrous Metals Industry. * hed : • Fiscal Incentives for Private Investment in Developing Countries. • Draft Double Taxation Convention on Income and Capital. • Tourism in OECD Member Countries, Annual Report. • Maritime Transport Committee Annual Report. • Code of Liberalisation of Current Invi- sible Operations. • Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements. * fíeports are regu/ar/y produced on al/ main industrial sectors covered by the Special Com- mittees noted above. Among them may be mentioned : • The Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry. • The Chemical Industry. • The Engineering Industries in North America, Europe and Japan. • The Iron and Steel Industry. • Timber Statistics. Other publications dealing with aspects of mdus- try include : • Modern Management principles and practices (5th edition;. • Market Research by Trade Associations : a practical guide for trade associations on how to organise and undertake market research • Guide to European Sources of Technical Information : a complete directory of present sources of techmcal information in Europe. • Setting up your Company's Technical Information Service. • Structure of Industrial Research Associa- tions. FOR INFORMATION ; FREE OF CHARGE I ON OECD PUBLICATIONS PLEASE USE THIS CARD Toutes les publications de l'OCDE paraissent en deux éditions, l'une en anglais, l'autre en franpais. Si vous désirez recevoir la documentation en langue frangaise, veuillez en faire mention sur la carte-réponse. OE CI> LLI LU U) (O uu QC Q G < Snæbjörn Jónsson & Co. h. f. Hafnarstræti 9, P.O. B. 1131, REYKJAVIK
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Frjáls verslun

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