Sjómannablaðið Víkingur


Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.09.1990, Síða 55

Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.09.1990, Síða 55
ingly, something that other systems have not been able to do so far. The system is very simple to operate and is divided into few units, separated from each other, so replacements in the event of malfunction of individual parts is easy and simple if or when needed. The machine will be man- ufactured in several sizes, according to the needs from the market. This machine needs only a small space as the racks are in a drum but not on deck. The operation in brief goes as follows: The line is hauled into the boat by a line-winch, from the winch the line goes through a cleaning system to rinse off old remaining bait, from there the hooks are tak- en through a sensor which analyses every hook and de- termines which ones pass through to the baiting device. The deformed hooks are readjusted if they stand up to the measurements required by the computer, if not the machine cuts them off and replaces them with new ones which then go on to the bait- ing and to the final stage which is the storing drum where they wait to be shot out again into the sea. All this is done without any delay in hauling the line itself. Once fully baited in the drum, the line is kept as long as the captain wishes at an adjus- table temperature either cooled or frozen. When shooting out takes place the computer takes care of everything concern- ing the operation, i.e. counts out the hooks and adjusts the drum equally so the racks inside the drum always align with the shooting pipe. JOHAN jr RONNING HF Sundaborg 15-104 Reykjavík - sími (91)84000 Rafmótorar frá ABB Motors snúast og snúast. Aratuga reynsla ABB (Asea) rafmótora hérlendis er vafalaust bestu meðmælin með rafmótorunum frá Johan Rönning. Rönning tryggir þjónustuna. Tvö nöfn sem standa fyrir sínu. Við eigum ávallt á lager mótora frá 0,25 kW - 37 kW. Við veitum tæknilega þjónustu og aðstoð við val á réttum mótor, ræsibúnaði og hraðastýringu. Veldu ABB VÍKINGUR 55
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