Sjómannablaðið Víkingur


Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.09.1990, Blaðsíða 74

Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.09.1990, Blaðsíða 74
BLÁTT RAUTT SVART DNG 74 VÍKINGUR veiðarfæra, tölvuvindan er komin til sögunnar. Tölvuvind- an dregur ekki aðeins færið, heldur stjórnar hún veiðunum. Hún gefurfærið út, heldur réttri fjarlægð frá botni og skakar og dregur færið inn þegar fiskur hefur bitið á. Þessi nýja tækni gerir einum manni kleift að vinna með margar vindur í einu. Þannig veiðir einn maður jafnmikið og heil skipshöfn gerði hér á árum áður. í byrjun níunda áratugarins setti DNG á markað rafeinda- stýrða færavindu og árið 1987 kom svo á markaðinn tölvu- stýrð færavinda frá DNG. Vinda þessi náði þegar miklum vinsældum og vann sér traust- an sess á innanlandsmarkaði og í dag er markaðshlutdeild vindunnar yfir 85% hérlendis. Þrátt fyrir að vindan hafi sann- að sig sem afburða tæki hafa þróunarmenn DNG sífellt unnið að endurbótum á vindunni og á sjávarútvegssýningunni f Laugardal verður kynnt ný og betri vinda sem er afrakstur vinnu undanfarinna ára. Nýju vindunni svipar mjög til þeirrar gerðar sem nú er á markaðn- um en hún er þó minni og býður upp á enn fjölbreyttari notkun- armöguleika, þrátt fyrir að þeir séu mjög margir í dag. Vindan verður þó áfram jafn einföld í notkun og hún hefur verið. Möguleikar á áframhaldandi þróun vindunnar verða mun meiri með tilkomu nýju vind- unnar þar sem stærri og öflugri tölva kemur í stað þeirrar sem er notuð í dag. Vegna mótorsins sem er ein- stakur að gerð, er vindan ákaf- lega auðveld í notkun og gædd eiginleikum sem hafa verið óþekktir hingað til. Ekki er um að ræða neina kúplingu eða drif, heldur er girnishjólið fest beint á mótoröxulinn. Slitfletir eru fáir og viðhald í algjöru lág- marki. Mótorinn er mjög fjöl- DNG COMPUTERIZED JIG- GING REEL Ensure high quality econom- ically caught fish Fishing with a hand line is one of the oldest methods of fishing known to man. It has been used since the begin- ning of time in most countries of the world. The fishing device was a very simple one and consist- ed of a hook and piece of string. The string was made of different kinds of material since the supply available in each geographical location was decisive in this context. The simple hooks used were usually homemade from horse hair or similar material. Nowadays the line is made of material that is both stronger and thinner than that of earlier times. In the course of time many improvements have been re- alised through endeavours to increase the catch of fish and develop more effective meth- ods of fishing. The first step was to increase the number of hooks, and a two-hook line became popular. Later, many hooks were placed on the line and a reel was used to town in the line and prevent it from being released. When the reels appeared on the scene artificial bait soon followed. Thus the need for using bait was eliminated. When the artificial bait is used the line must be moved con- stantly in order to arouse the interest of the fish in the bait and therefore this method is referred to as jigging. This century mechanical line reels have been developed which largely got rid of the toil and hardship involved in using the hand line. The last few decades have witnessed a revolution in the construction of fishing equip- ment with the advent of the computerized jigging reel. The computerized jigging reel not only hauls in the line but it also controls the fishing. It re- leases the line, keeps it at the right distance from the sea bottom, jigs and hauls in the line when a fish has taken the hook. This new technique makes it possible for one men to work simultaneously with many reels. In this fashion one fish- erman can catch as much as whole ship crew used to do in earlier days. The DNG computerized jig- ging reel is a highly sophisti- cated fishing device. It se- cures a substantial catch for the fisherman at a minimum cost. Fishing with a DNG computerized jigging reel constitutes the continuation of a traditional method which has, in the course of time, proved to be very successful. The use of a fishing reel en- sures a good catch and what is more important it yields the best quality fish. Good raw material in turn provide the highest price for the catch. The DNG computerized jig- ging reel is wholly automatic. It releases the line and keeps it at the right distance from the sea bed. And adjustable pro- gram controls the jigging op- eration. When afish has been caught on the hook the reel hauls in the line and all that remains to be done is remove the fish from the hook. Fishing boats are often equipped with several com- puterized jigging reels so that it is a full time job simply to take the fish off the hooks when the fishing is good. The speed and efficiency achieved by using the DNG computerized jigging reels
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Sjómannablaðið Víkingur

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