Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Blaðsíða 17
semdir in.a. eftir W.C. Br. í Naturen 5, 47,
1881 og H.H. Reusch í sama riti, 112).
Martins, Ch. 1848. De la colonisation végétale
des íles Britanniques, des Shetland, des Feroe,
et de l’Islande. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat. 8. 89-
106. (Þýðingar birtust í Ed. New Philos. J. 46,
40-52, 1848^19 og í Smithsonian Inst. Report
for 1858, 228-239, 1859.)
Nordenskiöld, A.E. 1893. Om stoftfaldet i
Sverige och angriinsande liinder den 3:dje maj
1892. Geol. Fören. Förh. 15. 417^159.
(Þýðing, stytt: Uber den groBen Staubfall in
Schweden und angrenzenden Landern am 3.
Mai 1892. Meteorol. Zeitschr. 11, 201-218,
Schythe, J.C. 1847. Hekla og dens sidste
Udbrud, den 2den September 1845. Udg. paa
det offentliges Bekostning, Kjöbenhavn.
154+1 bls. og 10 myndasíður.
Sigurður Þórarinsson 1980. Langleiðirgjósku úr
þremur Kötlugosum. Jökull 30. 65-73.
Sigurður Þórarinsson 1981. Greetings from Ice-
land. Ash-falls and volcanic aerosols in Scan-
dinavia. Geogr. Ann. 63A, 109-118.
Traill, T.S. 1844-50. On the recent eruption of
Hecla, and the volcanic shower in Orkney.
Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 2. 56-57.
Tephra from the 1845 Hekla eruption
In a well-known article by Sigurður Þórarinsson
(1981) it is stated that tephra from the first
phase ol' the 1845 Hekla eruption fell on a ship
near the Orkney islands. There is, however,
more to this story: contemporaneous published
papers describe an ashfall in the Faeroes, Ork-
neys and neighbouring areas on 2-3 Sept. 1845.
These accounts were widely distributed and at-
tracted attention among scientists.
Leó Kristjánsson
Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans
Haga, Hofsvallagötu 53
IS-107 Reykjavík