

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1952, Qupperneq 15

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1952, Qupperneq 15
HERBERT MÚNKUR OG HEKLUFELL 61 Finally Herbert mentiones a submarine eruption, which must be older than anvone recorded in the Icelandic annals. Tlie first one of those mentioned there is the eruption near the Eldey islands off the Reykjancs peninsula in the year 1211. Thus it seenrs probable that the period of volcanic activity near the Eldey islands, rvhich lasted through the first half of the 13th century, began before 1180. The author ventures tbe hypothesis, that Herbert got his information about Ice- landic volcanism from Archbishop Eskil in Lund, Sweden, who left Lund for Clair- vaux in the year 1177 and stayed there until his death in 1181. Herberti Liber Mira- culorum contains the biography of Eskil, related by himself. It is known that Eskil had connections with Icelandic clerics. He consecrated Khengur Thorsteinsson as bishop of Skálholt in the year 1152, but Hekla had her second eruption while he was in office. Herbert’s main purpose in recording the Icelandic volcanic eruptions, was to convey a proof of the existence of Hell. The prestige and general authority of the Clairvaux monastery, backing up Herbert’s narrative, has most likely served as a solid foundation for the herostratic fame, which Hekla enjoyed through thc Dark Ages as The Gate of Hell or The Abode of the Condemned. NOKKUR HEIMILDARRIT Alberichi Monachi Trium Fontium Chronicon é manuscriptis nunc primum editurn á Godofredo Gvilielmo Leibnitio. Leipzig 1698. Biskupasögur. Fyrsta bindi. Kaupmannahöfn 1858. Bugge, Sophus: Bemærkninger om den i Skotland fundne latinske Norges Krönike. Aárb. f. Nord. Oldkynd. og Hist. 1873. Köbenhavn 1873. Hermann, Paul: Island. Leijrzig 1907. Landnámabók I—III. Hauksbók. Sturlubók. Melabók. Köbenhavn 1900. Maurer, Konrad: Die Hölle auf Island. Zeitschr. d. Vereins ftir Volkskunde. 3. Heft. Berlin 1894. Munch, P. A.: Symbolæ ad historiam anticpiiorem rerum Norvegicarum. I. Breve chro- nicon Norvegiæ. Christiania 1850. Nordal. Sigurður: Þangbrandur á Mýrdalssandi. Festskrift til Finnur Jónsson. Köben- havn 1928. Skýrslur um Kötlugos. Safn t. s. ísl. IV. Khöfn og Reykjavík 1907—1915. Steingrímsson, Jón: Um Kötlugjá. Safn t. s. íslands IV. Khöfn og Reykjavík 1907—1915. Storm, Gustav: Islandske Annaler indtil 1575. Christiania 1888. Sveinsson, Einar Ólafur: Byggð á Mýrdalssandi. Skírnir CXXI ár. Reykjavík 1947. — — — Landnám í Skaftafellsþingi. Reykjavík 1948. Thoroddsen, Þorvaldur: Landfræðissaga íslands. I. Reykjavík 1892—1896. — — Die Geschichte d. island. Vulkane. Köbenhavn 1925. Weibull, Lauritz: En samtida beriittelse frán Clairvaux om iirkebiskop Eskil av Lund. Scandia, Bd. IV. Stockholm 1931.
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