

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1975, Qupperneq 52

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1975, Qupperneq 52
42 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN S U M M A R Y Arctic terns (Sterria paradisae) robbing fish off black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) in Northwest lceland by Hjálmar R. Bárdarson, P. O. Box 998, Reykjavík. Observations on the interactions of artic terns (Sterna paradisaea) and black guillemots (Ceppus grylle) in July 1973 at the island Aedey, ísafjardardjúp, N.W. Iceland, are reported. The guillemots caught small fish off the island which they brought back on the wing, often landing on a small closed in bay near the breeding grounds. They then generally swam ashore and, still carrying one fish in their beaks, scuttled into a nest crevice. After a short wltile, having fed the young, they would reappear and after a short rest set out on another trip. Arctic terns often harassed guillemots when they had brought fish ashore. The guillemots triecl to avoid the terns, sometimes by scurrying into a nest crevice, sometimes by fleeing out to the bay and diving for prolonged periods. A tern would then follow and attack the guillemot whenever it surfaced. After a while the guillemots tired and released the fish on the surface. The fish was then picked up by the tern which would then take it to its young. After a while the guillemot would fly off on yet another fishing trip. Guillemots not carrying fish were never harassed by terns. Although it was well known to the inhabi- tants of Aedey that the arctic tern frequently pirate fish off the black guillemot, this behavior apparently has not been previously reported in the literature. However, arctic terns have been reported robbing horned grebes (Podiceps auritus) in Iceland (Bengtson 1966), and robbing behavior of Sterna dougallii (Dunn 1973) ancl Sterna hirundo (Hays 1970) has also been reported. Berg- mann (1971) records successful pirating of black guillentots by Larus canus and Winn (1950) recorded occasional ancl unsuccessful attempts of Larus argentatus at robbing black guillemots.
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