Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2004, Side 46
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The purpose of the study reported in the article is to seek understanding of the
competence teacher students construct during their studies at Iceland University of
Education. The concepts competence and professional competence are defined and
discussed. A conceptual framework is developed depicting aspects and dimensions
in teacher competence from the perspective of the teacher students. Four aspects are
defined: a) to do, b) to know, c) to be and d) to reflect. Participants in the study were
teacher students that started their study in the division for primary and lower
secondary school teachers, residence programs, in the autumn 2001. The data are, for
the first, answers from most of the participants to questions about difficult teacher
tasks, and secondly, interviews with three students focusing on their strengths and
weaknesses. According to analysis of answers to the question about difficult teacher
tasks, the students are especially concerned about the organization of teaching and
discipline problems. They are more concerned about the form of teaching than the
content of lessons, i.e. knowledge of subjects taught in school. The students seem to
seek strength in professional concepts and thinking. However, they are especially
concerned about personal aspects of teacher competence: to do and to be. It can be
concluded that personal strength is the essence of the competence the teacher
students are striving for.
Ragnhildur Bjarnadóttir er
dósent við Kennaraháskóla íslands