Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2004, Síða 92

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2004, Síða 92
FORSPÁRGILDI MÁLÞROSKAMÆLINGA ABSTRACT This article describes the relationship between language development, phonological awareness and later proficiency in Icelandic. A sample of 267 children was followed from preschool into the school years. The children were all tested with HLJÓM-2 (a phonological awareness test) and TOLD-2P (a test of language development) at five years of age, 251 child was retested at seven years of age with TOLD-2P. The subject's results on the national standardized testing in Icelandic in 4th grade was compared with the earlier test results. The relationship between results of HLJÓM-2 and TOLD- 2P was estimated and also between the language development testing at five and seven years of age. Three groups were identified in a cluster analysis; children with high score (x>l SD) children with average score (-1 SD< x > 1 SD) and children with low score (x>-l SD). Results: The language development testing at five years of age showed significant correlation (r = 0,60 HLJÓM, p < 0,001 and r = 0,54 TOLD-2P, p < 0,001) with the academic proficiency in Icelandic in 4th grade. The correlation between the HLJÓM-2 and TOLD-2P was significant and also the language testing at five and seven years of age. Children with a high score on language development tests at five and seven years of age showed high or average score on the Icelandic national test in the 4th grade. Children with low score on the tests at five years of age showed low or average score on the Icelandic national test in the 4th grade. Jóhanna Einarsdóttir er talmeinafræðingur hjá Talþjálfun Reykjavíkur Amalía Björnsdóttir er dósent við Kennaraháskóla íslands lngibjörg Símonardóttir er talmeinafræðingur áfræðslu- og menningarsviði Garðabæjar 90
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