Árdís - 01.01.1947, Qupperneq 50
as personal time and energy in many instances. In proof of this just take
a trip and look at Sunrise Lutheran Camp, a tangible result of their
Finances—The treasurer’s report showed: Balance on hand last year,
$221.14; Receipts, $49.17; Disbursements, $47.60; On hand June 1, 1947,
$222.71. The General Camp Building Fund showed: Balance on hand
last year, $841.29; Receipts, $3,194.69; Disbursements, $3,608.44; On
hand June 1, 1947, $427.54. The Memorial Fund showed: Balance on
hand last year: $1,585.11; Receipts, $1,380.70; Disbursements, $2,540.25;
On hand June 1, 1947, $425.56. The “Ardis” financial report showed:
Balance on hand last year, $472.43; Receipts,$957.22; Disbursements,
$854.04; On hand June 1, 1947, $575.61. The Alumni Fund showed
$48.00 on hand. All reports were audited by chartered accountants.
The Agenda:—
1. The Constitution—At our convention a year ago a committee
was elected to revise the constitution of the Lutheran Women’s League.
This committee performed its task most ably and conscientiously, and
submitted a thorough report at tliis convention. Some articles were
changed and new ones were added, thus adapting the constitution to
the League’s new project, the camp. Some minor changes and additions
were taken into consideration, whereupon the revised set of laws as a
whole was unanimously adopted by the convention.
2. The Camp—The Sunrise Lutheran Camp is now a reality, a
dream come true. The erection of the Memorial Hall this spring con-
cluded the building process except for a few minor details of inside work
to be done. The dedication of the Hall on June 22nd brought to a climax
this project, the project which was just a dream, and idea, at our con-
vention held in the Canadian Sunday School Mission Camp in 1941.
But the idea then was hopeful enough to justify the establishment of a
basic fund of $536.00 at that convention. This little fund received popu-
lar support and grew in spite of unfavorable war conditions, grew to
such proportions as to cover the expenses of erecting five buildings in
1946, namely the dining hall and kitchen, two dormitories, staff house
and a hospital. A special Memorial Fund defrayed the expenses in con-
nection with the Hall built this year.
The head carpenter, Mr. Sveinn Pahnason, Winnipeg Beach, de-
serves special mention for outstanding work. His two helpful assistants