Læknablaðið - 01.12.1972, Síða 83
17. Petersen, K. O. Máling af Röntgenafdelingens Arbejdsmængde. Röntgen-
teknik II. Köbenhavn 1969.
18. Puijalert, C. B. A. J. Medica Mundi [Philips NV]. 14:3, 137. 1969.
19. Puijalert, C. B. A. J. Planning and Calculaticn of Surfaco of X-Ray
Dep., based on Workload. Proc. Int. Symp. Planning Rad. Dep. Helsinki
20. SPRI (Sjukvárdens Rationaliserings- och Plancringsinstitut, Stockholm).
Rapporter/rád 12/69, 5, 6/71, 15/70.
21. Svenska Radiologförbundet. Konferens om Planering av Röntgenavdelin-
gar 1967. Kompendium. Stockholm 1968.
22. Produktionskontroll inom sjukvárden. Symposium. Sv. Lakartidn. 3:225.
English Index 1972
Læknablaðið — The Icelandic Medical Journal — is published jointly by
the Icelandic Medical Association and the Medical Association of Reykjavik.
Six issues constitute a yearly volume.
Original articles are as a rule summarized in English. A yearly English
index of summarized articles is provided for the orientation of foreign readers.
Reprints are obtainable from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ, Domus Medica, Reykja-
vik. Original articles may be provided in translation for a reasonable fee.
Vol. 58, 1972.
pp. 1-25: Thorsteinsson, E. Surgery for the improvement of hearing.
Results of operations. Summary in English.
pp. 33-43: Godber, G. E. The recent development of postgraduate medical
education in Britain.
Article in English.
pp. 157-163: Jónasson, Th. Salmonellosis typhi murium in Akureyri 1969.
Summary in English.