

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1979, Page 23

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1979, Page 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 287 um sem aukaverkun eftir bólusetningu með öðrum rauðu hunda bóluefnum en RA 27/3, þ.e. HPV-77DK12 og HPV-77DE5 og Cendehill.1113 10,14 15 1718 Er þær stundum nefnd „the arm syndrome11 og „the leg syndrome" (eða „catcher’s crouch“). Ekki hefur þeim verið lýst eftir notkun RA 27/3 og ekki fundust þessi einkenni í rannsókn- inni hér í þetta sinn. Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknir okkar gefa því ekki tilefni til að lækka bólusetningaraldur vegna auka- verkana. LOKAORÐ Hér hefur verið skýrt frá bólusetningu fyrsta hóps sem bólusettur er gegn rauðum hundum í Reykjavík, og rannsókn á mót- efnum og aukaverkunum, sem fylgdi í kjöl- far bólusetningarinnar. Má telja árangur hennar góðan, bæði hvað snertir svörun og mótefnamyndun og hversu aukaverkanir reyndust vægar. Hversu lengi mótefnin haldast í verndandi magni geta aðeins end- urteknar mótefnamælingar á þessum telp- um leitt í ljós. SUMMARY This report describes rubella vaccination of 12 years old girls in Reykjavík 1977. No cases of rubella were diagnosed serologically in Ice- land from October 1975 until June 1978. Ice- land can therefore be considered free from rubella during the time of this study. Originally 730 schoolgirls were tested for rubella Hl-antibody. Of these 47.5% were sero- positive (antibodytiter > 1/40), 1.6% had titer 1/20 and 50.9% were seronegative (titer rg 1/10 Of 384 negatives, 367 were vaccinated, 355 of whom with a titer g 1/10 (group A), and 12 with titer 1/20 (group B). 356 girls were bled 6 weeks after vaccination and 357 a year later. One year after vaccination 94.49% had Hl-anti- bodytiter ^ 1/40. Geometric mean titer in group A was 62.07 6 weeks after vaccination and 61.69 a year later whereas in group B only 25% showed a significant rise in titer. Geometric mean titer in group B was lower, 40.0 6 weeks after vaccination and 25.20 one year later. This could indicate a past in- fection and a poor response to revaccinatin. Side reactions were found in 89 (24.3%) of the vaccinees, 47 (12.8%) had arthralgia and 11 (3.0%) painfuily swollen joint. Not late coming or long standing side reactions were found. A follow-up on these groups in intended during the next few years with special regard to the current rubella epidemic beginning in late summer 1978. HEIMILDIR 1. Árnadóttir, Þ.: Mæling á mótefnum gegn tveimur fósturskemmandi veirum, rubella- veiru og cytomegaloveiru. B.Sc. ritgerð við Háskóla Islands. 2. Balfour, H.H., Balfour, C.L., Eddmann, R. K., Rierson, P.A.: Evaluation of Wistar RA 27/3 rubellavirus vaccine in children. Am. J. Dis. Child. 130, 1089-1091, 1976. 3. Best, J.M., Banatvala, J.E., Bowen, J.M.: New japanese rubeila vaccine: Compara- tive trials Brit. Med. J. 3, 221-224, 1974. 4. Black, F.L., Lamm, S.H., Emmons, J.E., Pinheiro, F.P.: Reactions to rubella vaccine and persistence of antibody in virgin-soil population after vaccination and wild-viruse induced immunization. J. of Inf. Dis. 133, 393-398, 1976. 5. Buser, F., Nicolas, A.: Vaccination with RA 27/3 rubella vaccine. Am. J. Dis. Chiid. 122, 53-56. 1971. 6. Böttinger, M., Heller, L., Rollof, S.I.: rubella vaccination av tonarsflickor. Lákar- tidn, 71, 1949-1951, 1974. 7. Carlsson, M.G., Johnsson, T., Renmarker, K. : Rubella vaccination av várdspersonal. Lákartidn, 71, 1955-1958, 1974. 8. Dudgeon, J.A., Marshall, W.C., Peckham, C.S.: Rubella vaccine trials in aduits and children. Am. J. Dis. Child. 118, 237-242, 1969. 9. Enell, J., Johnsson, T., Kullander, K.: Rubella vaccination av skolflickor. Lákar- tidn. 71, 1952-1955, 1974. 10. Freestone, D.S., Prydie, J., Hamilton Smith, S.G., Laurence, G.: Vaccination of adults with Wistar RA 27/3 rubella vaccine. J. Hyg. Camb. 69, 471-477, 1971. 11. Gilmartin, R.C., Jabbour, J.T., Duenas, D.A.: Rubelia vaccine myeloradiculoneuritis. Jour. Ped. 80, 406-412, 1972. 12. Grillner, L., Hedström, C.E., Bergström, H„ Forssman, L„ Rigner, A„ Lycke, E.: Vacci- ation against rubella of newly delivered women. Scand. J. Inf. Dis. 5, 237-241, 1973. 13. Kilroy, A.W., Schaffner, W„ Fleet, W.F., Lefkowitz, L.B., Karzon, D.T., Fenichel, G.M.: Two syndromes following rubella immunization. Jama 214: 2287-2292, 1970. 14. Spruance, S.L., Smith, C.B.: Joint compli- cations associated with derivatives of HPV- 77 rubella virus vaccine. Am J. Dis. Child. 122, 105-111, 1971. 15. Spruance, S.L., Kloch, L.E., Bailey, A„ Ward, J.R., Smith, C.B.: Recurred joint symptoms in children vaccinated with HPV- 77DK 12 rubella vaccine. J. Pediatrics. 80, 413-417, 1972. 16. Spruance, S.L., Metcalf, R„ Smith, C.B., Griffiths, M.M., Ward, J.R.: Chronic arthro pathy associated with rubella vaccination. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 20, 741-747, 1977. 17. Thompson, G.R., Ferreyra, A., Brackett, R.G.: Acute arthritis complicating rubella



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