Læknablaðið - 01.12.1979, Blaðsíða 33
investigation has been analysed as regards
operational methods and results. The surgical
treatment has significantly reduced number of
svmptoms. Surgical methods stage I operation,
Denis Browne urethroplasty and Mathieus ure-
throplasty are mated against varying degrees
of desease. In the age groups 16—17 years
significantly less have had sexual intercourse
than controls. (Zetterberg, ’69i" Kinsey ’48n)
— Generally speaking, however, everybody in
the group with one exception had had consider-
able sexual experience. Regarding fertility, ten
in the group have had children, total 24. Three
with the diagnosis penoscrotal hypospadias have
had three children each of them. — Other
congenital anomalies and hereditary disposi-
tion was found to be present in a proportion
which was higher than the normal.
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