

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1979, Síða 33

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1979, Síða 33
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 295 investigation has been analysed as regards operational methods and results. The surgical treatment has significantly reduced number of svmptoms. Surgical methods stage I operation, Denis Browne urethroplasty and Mathieus ure- throplasty are mated against varying degrees of desease. In the age groups 16—17 years significantly less have had sexual intercourse than controls. (Zetterberg, ’69i" Kinsey ’48n) — Generally speaking, however, everybody in the group with one exception had had consider- able sexual experience. Regarding fertility, ten in the group have had children, total 24. Three with the diagnosis penoscrotal hypospadias have had three children each of them. — Other congenital anomalies and hereditary disposi- tion was found to be present in a proportion which was higher than the normal. HEIMILDIR 1. Avellán, Lars: The incidence of Hypo- spadias in Sweden. Scand.J.PÍast.Reconstr. Surg., 9:129-139, 1975. Avellán. Lars: The Deveiopment of Puber- ty, the Sexual Debut and sexual function in Hypospadiacs. Scand.J .Plast.Reconstr. Surg. 10:29-44, 1976. 2. Browne, Denis: An Operation for Hypo- spadias. Proc.Roy.Soc.Med. 42:466-468, July, 1949. Browne, Denis: A Comparison of the Duplay and Denis Browne Techniques for Hypo- spadias Operations. Surgery, 34:787-798, Oct. 1953. Browne, Denis: Observations on the Treat- ment of Hypospadias, „Transactions of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons, Second Congress, London, 1959“, E. and S. Livingstone Ltd. Edinburgh, 1960. 3. Byars, L.T.: Surgical Repair of Hypospa- dias, Surg.Clin.North.Am. 30:1371-1378, oct. 1950. Byars, L.T.: A Technique for Consistently Satisfactory Repair of Hypospadias, Surg. Gynec.Obst. 100:184-190, February, 1955. 4. Chigot, P.L.: Lisfranc et A. Quenneau: Traitment chirurgical de 1‘hypospadias. (Procédé de Mathieu modifé) Ann.Cliir. 19: 738-750, June 1965. 5. Culp, O.S.: Struggles and Triumphs with Hypospadias and associated Anomalies: Rewiew of 400 Chases, J.Urol. 96:339-351, Sept. 1966. 6. Dickia, W.R. et Sharpe, C.: Crypto-Hypo- spadias. A rewiew of 38 cases. Brit.J.of Plast.Surg. 26:227-234, 1973. 7. Duplay, Simon: De i’hypospadia périnéo- scrotal et de son traitment chirurgical, Arch.Gén.Méd., 6tli series, 23:513-530 and 657-682, May and June 1974. Duplay, Simon: Sur le traitment chirurgi- cal de 1‘hypospadias, Arcli.Gén.Méd. 145: 257-274, March 1880. 8. Ericsson, Nils Olof & von Hedenberg, Christer: Sexualfunktionen hos patienter opererade for hypospadi. Lákartidningen, 68:2480, 1970. 9. Farmer, A.W.: Hypospadias, Surgery, 12: 462-470, Sept. 1942. 10. Johansson, Bengt: Rekonstruktion of the Male Urethra in Strictures, Acta Chir. Scand. Suppl, 176, 1953. 11. Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., & Martin, C. E.: Sexuál Behaviour in the Human Male, p. 566. Saunders, 1948. 12. Mathieu, P.: Traitment en un temps de 1‘hypospadias balanique ou juxtabalanique. Journál de Chirurgie, T.XXXIX, 4:481-486, Aveil 1932. 13. Moore, C.A.: Surgical Repair of Chordee without Hypospadias: Report of three Cases. J.Urol. 93:389-390, March, 1965. 14. Neyman, M.A. et al: Urinary Tract Evalua- tion in Htypospadias. J.Urol. 94:438-450 Juno, 1965. 15. Ross, J.F., A.W. Farmer and W.K. Lindsay: Hypospadias. A review of 230 cases. Plastic Reconstruc.Surg. 24:357-367, October 1959. 16. Sörensen, H.R.: Hypospadias with Special Reference to Aetiology. — Munksgaard, Copcnhagen, 1953. 17. Zetterberg, H.L.: Om sexuallivet i Sverige, Statens offentl'.ga utredningar 2, Stockholm 1969.
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