

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1982, Blaðsíða 4

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1982, Blaðsíða 4
256 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI - KRISTJÁN SIGURÐSSON Kristján Sigurðsson varði hinn 3. september sl. doktorsritgerð sína við Onkologiska Kliniken, Lasarettet í Lundi í Svípjóð. Heiti hennar er Malignant Epithelial Ovarian Tumours. A study of Prognostic Factors and the Effects of Combined Treatments. Hér fer á eftir útdrátt- ur úr ritgerð Kristjáns Sigurðssonar: Six-hundred and twenty-two women with malignant epithelial tumour have been studi- ed. Of these, 494 women were treated at the Department of Oncology in Lund during 1974- 1978 and 128 women treated at this and seven other, Oncologic Departments in Sweden during 1978-1980. These women were inclu- ded in studies analyzing the prognostic fac- tors, and in prospective randomized trials comparing the effects on survival and opera- bility of: a) chemotherápy, radiotherapy or the combination of both in Stages I through III, and b) radiotherapy, single-drug and combina- tion chemotherapy in advanced Stage III. Twenty patients were included in a trial comparing the drug-sensitivity in vitro with the in vivo treatment results. The stage of tumour dissemination, the tumour grade and the size of the residual tumour after surgery had the greatest progno- stic significance. Stages I through Ila can be divided into three prognostic groups accord- ing to the tumour grade. Well differentiated, early Stage Ia tumours do not seem to benefit from postoperative treatment. Single-drug chemotherapy seems to be sufficient as addi- tional treatment in well differentiated, advanc- ed Stage Ia and Stages Ib through Ila tumours and all moderately differentiated tumours in Stages I through Ila. All poorly differentiated tumours in Stages I and Ila need more aggressive treatment. Stages Ilb through III can be divided into three prognostic groups, depending on the size of the residual tumour and the tumour grade. Patients with no or small residual tumours, well or moderately diffferentiated, had the best prognosis, while patients with poorly differentiated tumours, or large residual tumours, irrespective of grade, had the poorest prognosis. Radiotherapy gave acceptable results on well or moderately differentiated tumours with no or small resi- dual tumours. In large residual tumours com- bination chemotherapy had significantly bet- ter effect on survival than single-drug chemo- therapy or radiotherapy, irrespective of grade. Combination chemotherapy and radiother- apy had the same effect on (re)-operability and can be used as preoperative treatment in order to increase the operability. Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is indicated in young women with well or moderately differentiated Stage Ia tumours. Hysterectomy and oment- ectomy are only indicated if radical surgery or small residual tumour can thereby by ac- complished. In 80 % (16/20) of the patients there was a correlation between the drug sensitivity re- sults in vitro and the treatment results in vivo.



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