

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1983, Blaðsíða 53

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1983, Blaðsíða 53
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 223 öðrum aðferðum verður beitt en áður hafa verið reyndar. Hvort tilraunin gefur árangur getur aðeins tíminn leitt í ljós, en reynist pað vera, hafa þær þjóðir, sem taka þátt í tilraun- inni, fengið um 10-15 ára forskot. HEIMILDIR 1. Report on a WHO Meeting Copenhgen 4.-8. Oct. 1982 (ICP/CVD 018 (8)). WHO/EURO. 2. Report on a WHO Meeting Geneve 25.-28. OCT. 1982. (NCD/83.1). WHO/GENEVE. 3. Jackson, RH. Aspects of the Preventation of Noncommunicable Diseases Including Accidents. (ICP/CVD 018 (8) 16, Rev. 1.) WHO/EURO. 4. Sigurðsson P. Guidance for Protocol for Coun- try-wide Integrated Programme for the Preven- tion and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. (ICP/CVD 018 (11) (12) (13) (16)) WHO/EURO. 5. Tuomiletho J. Information, Systems and Monito- ring and Evaluation Methods in Country-wide Integrated Programmes for the Prevention and Control af Noncommunicable Diseases. (ICP/CVD 018 (12) 7) WHO/EURO. CLINICAL CYTOPATHOLOGY FOR PATHOLOGISTS 1984 POSTGRADUATE COURSE The Twenty-fifth Postgraduate Institute for Pathologists in Clinical Cytopathology is to be given at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, March 25-April 6, 1984. The full two week program is designed for pathologists who are Certified (or qualified) by the American Board of Pathology (PA), or its international equivalent. It will provide an intensive refresher in all aspects of the field of Clinical Cytopathology, with time devoted to newer techniques, spe- cial problems, and recent applications. Topics will be covered in lectures, explored in smail informal conferences, and discussed over the microscope with the Faculty. Self-instructional material will be available to augment at individual pace. A loan set of slides with text will be sent to each participant within the United States and Canada for home-study during February and March before the Insti- tute. Special arrangements will apply to partici- pants outside the United States. Credit hours 147 in AMA Category 1. Application is advised before January 31, 1984, and must be made before February 22, 1984. For details, write: John K. Frost, M.D., 604 Pathology Building, The Johns Hopkins Ho- spital, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, U.S.A. The entire Course is given in English. NEWS RELEASE The Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine has been instituted with the purpose of providing financial support to research or development projects in the field of acute medicine. Available grants this year exceed US $ 200,000. Projects to be considered for support may include experimental or clinical studies, educa- tional activities, practical improvements of patient transport and publication of ideas and findings. Pre-hospital projects may be pre- ferred. The foundation is governed by a board of appointed members from the following orga- nizations: — The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Oslo — The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesio- logists — The Society of Critical Care Medicine (USA) — The Asmund S. Laerdal Company Deadline for applications bi-annually by Oct. 1 and April 1. Application form and further information may be obtained from: The Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine P.O. Box 377 N-4001 Stavanger, Norway
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