

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1993, Side 17

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1993, Side 17
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 269 háþrýstingsbundin eða sýkursýkisháð skemmd á hjartanu. ÞAKKIR Færum starfsfólki Rannsóknarstöðvar Hjartaverndar þakkir fyrir margvíslega aðstoð, sérstakar þakkir fær Elínborg Sveinbjarnardóttir fyrir aðstoð við gerð mynda og taflna. SUMMARY This study is based on the Reykjavík Study, a long- term prospective cardiovascular survey including a representative population of 9.135 men and 9.627 wornen, 33-79 years old, who were invited to participate in a cohort study during the years 1967- 91. Right bundle branch block (RBBB) was found in 126 men and 67 women. The prevalence increased with age, from 0% among men and women 30- 39 years of age to 4.1% (men) and 1.6% (women) 75-79 years old. The incidence increased with age among men and women. In men younger than sixty RBBB had a significant relation to hypertension (p<0.05), elevated fasting blood glucose (p=0.05) and increased heart size (p<0.05). In men with RBBB regardless of age, association was found with ischemic heart disease (p<0.05), arrhythmias (p<0.001) and bradycardia (p<0.01). Higher mortality from heart disease (p<0.01) was found in men with RBBB compared to the control population. This was not significant when risk factors of heart disease were taken into account by multivariate Cox analysis. There was relation (p<0.05) between hypertension and RBBB in women younger than sixty. RBBB in women younger than sixty is often associated with hypertension and in men younger than sixty RBBB is often associated with an underlying cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cardiomegaly and elevated blood glucose. HEIMILDIR 1. Eppinger H. Rothberger CJ. Zur Analyse des Elektrokardiogramms. Wiener klin Wochenschrift 1909; 22: 1091-8. 2. Wilson FN, Macleod AG, Barker PS. The Order of Ventricular Excitation in Human Bundle-branch Block. Am Heart J 1932; 7: 305-30. 3 Barrelt PA, Thomas PC, Swan HJC, Singh BN, Mandcl WJ. 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