

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1997, Page 16

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1997, Page 16
640 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Mat á heilsufari og hjúkrunarþörf á elli- og hjúkrunarheimilum RAI mælitækið, þróun þess og sýnishorn af íslenskum niðurstöðum Pálmi V. Jónsson12’, Anna Birna Jensdóttir1’, Hlíf Guðmundsdóttir1,31, Hrafn Pálsson4’, Ingibjörg Hjaltadóttir1’, Ómar Harðarson5’, Sigurbjörg Sigurgeirsdóttir6’ Jónsson PV, Jensdóttir AB, Guðmundsdóttir H, Páisson H, Hjaltadóttir I, Harðarson Ó, Sigurgeirs- dóttir S Assessment of heaith and caring needs in nursing homes. The Resident Assessment Instrument, its de- velopment and some pilot study results Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 640-7 Those elderly living in institutions have multiple social, health and mental problems, in addition to loss of function. The Resident Assessment Instru- ment assesses the individual in detail and his caring needs. Resident Assessment Protocols come with the instrument and a handbook that describes how to evaluate specific problems further.Quality indica- tors allow comparisons between institutions and thus the quality of care can be assessed in compara- ble groups of residents. The elderly can be put into defined resource utilisation groups and an average cost calculated per unit or nursing home. A pilot study was conducted in Iceland in 1994 to examine the utility of the instrument. It was shown that most of the residents were viewed as competent Frá '’öldrunarsviði Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, 2,læknadeild Háskóla Islands, 3lnámsbraut í hjúkrunarfræði, Háskóla ís- lands, ‘‘’Heilbrigðis- og tryggingamálaráðuneytinu, 5)Hag- stofu íslands, 6,öldrunarþjónustudeild Félagsmálastofnunar Reykjavíkurborgar. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Pálmi V. Jóns- son, öldrunarsviði Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Fossvogi, 108 Reykjavík. Sími 525 1000; bréfsími 525 1552; netfang: palmi@shr.is Lykilorð: aldraðir, mat, hjúkrunarheimili, matslyklar, þyngdarstuðlar. according to documents, even if about half of them had considerable cognitive dysfunction. Dementia was the most common diagnosis. One fourth of the residents took antidepressant medications and 54- 62% took sedatives or hypnotic drugs. Eight out of 10 had dentures and one third had difficulty chew- ing. Many more interesting findings showed up that are described in a special report. From ”Dpt. of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavík Hospital, 2)Uni- versity of lceland, School of Medicine, 3,Dpt. of Nursing, University of lceland, 4,Ministry of Health and Social Securi- ty, 5,lcelandic Statistical Bureau, 6,Dpt. for the Elderly, So- cial Service Dpt., Reykjavík. Correspondence: Pálmi V. Jónsson, Dpt. of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavík Hospital, 108 Reykjavík. Tel.: (354) 525 1000; fax: (354) 525 1552; e-mail: palmi@shr.is Key words: elderly, assessment, nursing home, RAI, MDS, RUGS. Ágrip Aldraðir sem dvelja á stofnunum búa við margvíslegan félagslegan, heilsufarslegan og andlegan vanda, auk færnitaps. Lýst er RAI mælitækinu (Resident Assessment Instru- ment) sem metur ítarlega heilsufar og aðbúnað aldraðra á stofnunum. Mælitækinu fylgja mats- lyklar og leiðbeiningarhandbók sem lýsa við- brögðum við greindum vandamálum. Gæða- vísar gera kleift að meta gæði þeirrar umönn- unar sem veitt er á einstökum stofnunum. Jafnframt er hægt að reikna út svokallaða þyngdarstuðla sem gefa til kynna kostnað við að annast mismunandi hópa aldraðra innan elli- og hjúkrunarheimilanna. Forkönnun var gerð á notagildi RAI mæli-



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