

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1997, Síða 22

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1997, Síða 22
646 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Faraldsfræðileg rannsókn á vitrænni getu aldraðra á tveimur aðskildum landsvæðum á íslandi Jón Snædal1), Grétar Guðmundsson2), Jón Eyjólfur Jónsson3), Þuríður J. Jónsdóttir4) Snædal J, Guðmundsson G, Jónsson JE, Jónsdóttir ÞJ Epidcmiological study on cognitive abilities in the elderly in two separate rural areas in Iceland Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 646-53 Objectives: This study was undertaken to estimate the cognitive abilities in an elderly population in rural areas in Iceland and to get an idea of the prevalence of dementia. By examining inhabitants in two different areas it was further possible to de- tect any possible difference in these areas. Material and methods: All persons aged 70 and over, living independently in the community and in institutions in two geographically separate areas were contacted. The areas were an agricultural (ar- ea A) and a fishing (area F) one. Four simple neu- ropsychological tests where used, the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination), WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)-Similarities, Trail making test A and Trail making test B. Two students in psychology and a teacher were trained in applying the tests but the results were scored and interpreted by the au- thors. Results: In area A, 280 of 353 (79.3%) participated and in area F, 190 of 238 (79.8%). Participation was thus similar in both areas. There was a highly signif- icant difference in all the tests with p<0.01 in Trail making test B but p<0.001 in the other three tests. In all the tests the results were better among the Frá '’öldrunarlækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Landakoti, 2)taugalækningadeild, 3)öldrunarlækningadeild og 4)endurhæfingardeild Landspitalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfa- skipti: Jón Snædal, öldrunarlækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Landakoti, 101 Reykjavik. Sími: 525 1800; bréfsími: 525 1819. Lykilorð: heilabilun, faraldsfræði, algengi, minnispróf. population in area A. The prevalence of dementia as estimated by the MMSE showed a prevalence of 14.4% in area A and 35.7% in area F. Conclusion: A significant difference in cognitive abilities was found between the elderly inhabitants of two separate rural areas in Iceland. There is sub- stantial evidence to suggest that this difference is real but it is however not clear if the prevalence of dementia is higher in this study than in others. It is postulated that the difference found is due to cultur- al differences. From 1>Dpt. of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavík Hospital, 2)Dpt. of Neurology, 3)Division of Geriatric Medicine and 4)Dpt. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Landspítalinn. Correspondence: Jón Snædal Dpt. of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavík Hospital, Landakoti, 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: (354) 525 1800; fax: (354) 525 1819. Key words: dementia, cognitive tests, epidemiology, prev- alence. Ágrip Markmið: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var annars vegar að fá vitneskju um vitræna hæfi- leika aldraðra íslendinga í afmörkuðu dreifbýli og hins vegar að fá hugmynd um algengi heila- bilunar. Með því að skoða tvö aðskilin land- svæði var einnig unnt að meta hvort munur gæti verið á milli þeirra í þessu tilliti. Efniviður og aðferðir: Valin voru tvö aðskil- in landsvæði. í öðru þeirra hefur aðalatvinnu- vegur verið landbúnaður (svæði L) en í hinu sjávarútvegur (svæði S). Notast var við fjögur einföld próf á vitræna getu, MMS-próf (Mini Mental State Examination), líkingar úr WAIS greindarprófi Wechslers (Wechsler Adult Int- elligence Scale) fyrir fullorðna, slóðarpróf A og slóðarpróf B. Þjálfaðir voru tveir sálfræði- nemar og kennari í fyrirlagningu prófanna, en
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