

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1998, Qupperneq 19

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1998, Qupperneq 19
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 107 Dánarmein og krabbamein lækna og lögfræðinga Vilhjálmur Rafnsson121, Hólmfríöur K. Gunnarsdóttir21 Rafnsson V, Gunnarsdóttir HK Mortality and cancer incidence ainong physicians and lawyers Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 107-15 Objective: To study whether mortality and cancer incidence among male physicians were lower than those among men of the general population and lawyers. Material and methods: The study is a retrospective cohort study, the cohort comprised all male physici- ans (1210) educated until 1993 who lived in Iceland 1951 or later. All male lawyers (1032) defined in the same way were taken as a comparison group. The follow-up was through mortality and cancer registry by record linkage and the rates compared to those of the general population with indirect standardisation. The standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) and the standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were compared between the groups. A special survey of the smoking habits of physicians and lawyers was conducted on the data from the Heart Association, Hjartavernd, and the possible confounding on lung cancer inci- dence by smoking was estimated. Results: Overall mortality among the lawyers was similar to that of the general male population, how- ever, mortality among the physicians was lower than Frá "Rannsóknastofu í heilbrigðisfræði Háskóla íslands, Sóltúni 1, 105 Reykjavík, !)atvinnusjúkdómadeild Vinnu- eftirlits ríkisins, Bíldshöfða 16, 112 Reykjavík. Fyrirspurn- ir, bréfaskipti: Vilhjálmur Rafnsson, atvinnusjúkdómadeild Vinnueftirlits ríkisins, Bíldshöfða 16, 112 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: dánarmein, nýgengi krabbameina, iæknar, lög- fræðingar, sjálfsmorð, lungnakrabbamein, ristilkrabba- mein, reykingar. that of the general population and the lawyers, due to lower mortality for all cancers, stomach cancer, lung cancer, cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory diseases, the SMRs were: 0.73, 0.27, 0.44, 0.53 and 0.54 respectively. The physicians had higher morta- lity for suicide committed by drugs, solid or liquid substances, SMR 5.75. Cancer was not as frequent among the physicians as among the lawyers, part- icularly for lung cancer, the SIR was 0.45. There were higher rates for cancer of the colon and brain among the physicians than among others, however the difference was only of a statistical significant for the colon cancer, SIR 1.93. Smoking was not as common among the physicians as among a sample of the population or the lawyers. Conclusions: Lower mortality among the physicians indicates a healthy lifestyle and they smoked less than the others. This could also mean that the physicians benefit from their education, they may soon get the right treatment if they fall ill. Cancers, particularly lung cancer were more rare among the physicians than among others which could not solely be explained by fewer smokers among the physici- ans. Key words: mortality, cancer incidence, physicians, lawyers, suicide, lung cancer, colon cancer, smoking habits. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að kanna hvort dánartíðni og nýgengi krabbameina eru lægri meðal karla í læknastétt en annarra karla og karlkynlögfræð- inga. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var aft- urskyggn hóprannsókn sem náði til allra karla meðal íslenskra lækna (1210) sem útskrifuðust fram til ársins 1993 og bjuggu hér á landi árið 1951 eða síðar. Til samanburðar voru lögfræð- ingar (1032) sem skilgreindir voru á sama hátt.
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