

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1998, Side 41

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1998, Side 41
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 127 Fig. 1. Patient 1: 3 cm left sided occipital lesion with increa- sed signal. The lesion is situated adjacent to the falx and is consistent with an infarct. Fig. 3. Patient 1: Two left sided lesions. An occipital lesion and a lesion posteriorly in the thalamus. Both with increased sig- nal and consistent with an infarct. Fig. 2. Patient 1: 2 cm left sided lesion in the cerebellum with increased signal. The lesion is sharply outlined and is consis- tent with an infarct. Fig. 4. Patient 2: Above the ventricles in front of the precentral sulcus on the left side is an increased signal in a 2x3 cm cort- ical region with high water content. Consistent with infarction and oedema.



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