

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1998, Qupperneq 45

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1998, Qupperneq 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 223 Nýr doktor í læknisfræði Þann 14. febrúar 1998 varði Kristján Steinsson doktorsrit- gerð sína við læknadeild Há- skóla íslands. Ritgerðin ber nafnið Systemic Lupus Eryt- hematosus. Epidemiology, Pat- hogenesis and Genetics with Special Reference to the Major Histocompatibility Complex and Complement Deficiency. Agrip úr ritgerðinni fer hér á eft- ir. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototype for systemic autoim- mune diseases. Epidemiological and genetic data suggest that expression of this disease ref- lects a complex interplay between numerous genetic and environmental factors. This thesis deals with the epidemiology and psychiatric manifestations, the role of complement defici- ency, and the relative contribution of major hi- stocompatibility alleles to the pathogenesis in SLE patients in Iceland. The epidemiological study is the only nationwide survey where strict criteria were applied for the classification of SLE. The value of the study lies in its unselected nature and the application of widely accepted criteria to define SLE. Over a 10 year period (1975-1984) seventy-six new cases were found with an inci- dence of 5.9 and 0.8/100,000 for females and males. The mean age at diagnosis was higher than in many previous studies and a clinical pattern different from most previous studies was found, as illustrated by a low incidence of renal disease. These findings may reflect the unselected nature of the study, racial differ- ences or milder SLE disease manifestations in recent years. Comparison with a former study on SLE in Iceland shows an actual increase in incidence. The study of the psychiatric manifestations has relatively little referral bias and is probably more representative than most previous stu- dies. A high prevalence of phobias in the SLE patients as compared to a population control group was observed. The first documented report of the associ- ation of SLE and complete Clq deficiency is presented. This report was the impetus to further studies of the role of complement deficiency in the pathogenesis of SLE. The ex- perience of plasma replacement therapy in a C2 deficient patient is reported. This novel therapy was strikingly successful. The findings further support a causal relationship between complement deficiency and immune complex disease and may lead to more tar- geted treatment interventions. The relative contribution of single MHC all- eles to the pathogenesis of SLE was examined. MHC class II alleles and C4 allotypes were determined in 64 Icelandic patients and in an ethnically matched control group. The frequen- cy of C4AQ0 was significantly higher in pati- ents than in controls. HLA-DRBL DQAl and DQBl alleles were not significantly different from those of controls. On the other hand, an increase in DRB1*03 was observed in the group of patients with C4AQ0. Following these results a large multicase SLE family was studied clinically and typed for MHC class II and C4 allotypes. C4AQ0 is highly associated with morbidity in this family. However, the C4AQ0 is carried on 5 different haplotypes of which 4 were found in the patients with SLE. Two of the C4AQ0 bearing haplotypes run through the family line; the other 3 originate from the spouses. Three of the 5 C4AQ0 bear- ing haplotypes shared the fragment B8, Cw7, C4AQ0, C4B1. The results are consistent with the argument that C4A deficiency contributes independently to susceptibility of SLE. C4AQ0 in SLE pati- ents in Iceland shows less marked linkage disequilibrium with other MHC alleles than reported in most other studies on Caucasian populations and emphasizes the role of et- hnicity. In progress are studies of a number of Icelandic families with multiple SLE cases in- volving genotyping and allotyping of C4 and other candidate genes as well as a genome- wide scanning for the determination of susceptibility loci.
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