

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2013, Side 15

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2013, Side 15
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The aim is to examine on lcelandic aduits, experience of corporal punishment as children, its prevalence, justification as victims, and its impact on the assessment of their upbringing. Materials and methods: From the national population register, out of 1500 randomly selected adults 18 years and older, 977 (65%) partici- pated. In a telephone interview, they appraised their upbringing, fol- lowed by questions regarding 5 specific forms of corporal punishment in addition to an open-ended question about otherforms experienced. Results: Out of 968 respondents, 810 (84%) regarded their upbringing as good. In total, 465 (48%) reported at least one form of corporal punishment in childhood, with spanking being the most prevalent one (29%). Respondents 30 years and older were 1.9 times more likely to have experienced corporal punishment compared to those who were younger (95% Cl 1.4-2.6) and males were 1.6 times more likely to report it compared to females (95% Cl 1.2-2.0). Those who had frequently been punished were significantly more likely to hold of the opinion that it had never been justified (OR=6.5; 95% Cl 1.8-22.9) and were more likely to judge their upbringing to have been reasonable or bad (OR=10.2; 95% Cl 4.7-21.9) compared to those who had no such experience. Conclusion: The practice of corporal punishment of lcelandic children was significantly less prevalent among respondents born about 1980 and later compared to those born earlier. Increased public debate and awareness of children's rights and changed ideas about their upbringing has facilitated such development. Key words: child, prevalence, upbringing, parentalphysical abuse, lceland Correspondence: Geir Gunnlaugsson, geir@landlaeknir.is 'Directorate ofHealth and Reykjavík University, 2Faculty ofSocial and Human Sciences, University oflceland. LÆKNAblaðið 2013/99 239



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