Læknablaðið - 01.04.2014, Page 16
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Þessar niðurstöður minna okkur á mikilvægi hjarðónæmis og
þá miklu hættu sem stafar af mislingum ef ekki næst að halda
því nægilega háu. Nánari skoðun á fjölskyldutengslum og skyld-
leika væri afar áhugaverð með aðferðum sem áður hefur verið
lýst í rannsóknum á spönsku veikinni. Upplýsingar sem leynast
í gömlum íslenskum kirkjubókum gefa okkur kost á því að svara
grundvallarspurningum um þessa skæðu mislingafaraldra, meira
en 130 árum síðar.
Jón Torfason skjalavörður á Þjóðskjalasafni Íslands fær þakkir
fyrir aðstoð við öflun gagna.
1. Moss WJ, Griffin DE. Measles. Lancet 2012; 379: 153-64.
2. Coovadia HM, Wesley A, Henderson LG, Brain P, Vos GH,
Hallett AF. Alterations in immune responsiveness in acute
measles and chronic post-measles chest disease. Int Arch
Allergy Appl Immunol 1978; 56: 14-23.
3. Tamashiro VG, Perez HH, Griffin DE. Prospective study
of the magnitude and duration of changes in tuberculin
reactivity during uncomplicated and complicated meas-
les. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987; 6: 451-4.
4. Dossetor J, Whittle HC, Greenwood BM. Persistent
measles infection in malnourished children. Br Med J 1977;
1: 1633-5.
5. Oldstone MB, Dales S, Tishon A, Lewicki H, Martin L. A
role for dual viral hits in causation of subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis. J Exp Med 2005; 202: 1185-90.
6. Coulter JB, Balch N, Best PV. Subacute sclerosing panen-
cephalitis after drug-induced immunosuppression. Arch
Dis Child 1979; 54: 640-2.
7. Aaby P, Bukh J, Lisse IM, Smits AJ. Measles mortality, state
of nutrition, and family structure: a community study
from Guinea-Bissau. J Infect Dis 1983; 147: 693-701.
8. Eberhart-Phillips JE, Frederick PD, Baron RC, Mascola
L. Measles in pregnancy: a descriptive study of 58 cases.
Obstet Gynecol 1993; 82: 797-801.
9. Chiba ME, Saito M, Suzuki N, Honda Y, Yaegashi N.
Measles infection in pregnancy. J Infect 2003; 47: 40-4.
10. Atmar RL, Englund JA, Hammill H. Complications of
measles during pregnancy. Clin Infect Dis 1992; 14: 217-26.
11. Katz SL. John F. Enders and measles virus vaccine--a rem-
iniscence. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009; 329: 3-11.
12. [Anonymous]. Bólusetning gegn mislingum hafin hjá
héraðslæknum. Morgunblaðið 1966; 53(229): 27-8.
13. Johnsen, SJ. Síðasti mislingafaraldurinn? Heilbrigðismál
1977; 25: 29.
14. landlaeknir.is - mars 2014.
15. Rohani P, Earn DJ, Grenfell BT. Opposite patterns of sync-
hrony in sympatric disease metapopulations. Science 1999;
286: 968-71.
16. ecdc.europa.eu - júlí 2013.
17. Delaporte E, Wyler Lazarevic CA, Iten A, Sudre P. Large
measles outbreak in Geneva, Switzerland, January to
August 2011: descriptive epidemiology and demonstra-
tion of quarantine effectiveness. Euro Surveill 2013; 18(6).
pii: 20395.
18. Gerber JS, Offit PA. Vaccines and autism: a tale of shifting
hypotheses. Clin Infect Dis 2009; 48: 456-61.
19. Cliff A, Haggett P, Smallman-Raynor M. The changing
shape of island epidemics: historical trends in Icelandic
infectious disease waves, 1902-1988. J Historical Geogr
2009; 35: 545-67.
20. Cliff A, Haggett P. Time, travel and infection. Br Med Bull
2004; 69: 87-99.
21. Gottfredsson M, Halldórsson BV, Jónsson S, Kristjánsson
M, Kristjánsson K, Kristinsson KG, et al. Lessons from
the past: familial aggregation analysis of fatal pandemic
influenza (Spanish flu) in Iceland in 1918. Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A 2008; 105: 1303-8.
22. [Anonymous]. Þjóðólfur. 17. maí 1882.
23. [Anonymous]. Fréttabálkur. Gestur Vestfirðingur. 1. jan.
1847: 1(1):6.
24. Á.Ó. Drepsótt í Reykjavík, mislingarnir 1882. Lesbók
Morgunblaðsins. 4. júní 1950, 25(21):301.
25. [Anonymous]. Dílasóttin (Mislingaveikin). Ísafold. 29. júlí
1882, 9(18):71.
26. [Anonymous]. Norðlingur. 20. apríl 1882, 6(43-44):86.
27. Landlæknir. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1881-1890. 17-22.
28. Landlæknir. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1881-1890. 19.
29. Landlæknir. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1918. 51-56.
30. [Anonymous]. Brjef að austan. Norðanfari. 10. feb. 1869,
31. Panum PL. Iagttagelser anstillede under Mæslinge-
Epidemien på Færøerne i Aaret 1846. Bibl Læger 1847; 3R
1: 270-344.
32. Jónsson S. Sóttarfar og sjúkdómar á Íslandi 1400-1800. Hið
íslenska bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík 1944.
33. [Anonymous]. Fólkstala á Íslandi 1890. Ísafold. 10. júní
1891, 18(46): 181.
introduction: Measles have increased in incidence in some parts of
the developed world in the past 10-15 years. They can be fatal and lead
to severe sequelae.Measles were infrequently introduced to Iceland in
the 19th century and consequently, epidemics were few but associated
with an extremely high mortality. The availability of 19th century church
registries enables studies on the impact of measles on mortality.
Materials and methods: Historical accounts mention two major meas-
les epidemics, starting mid-year 1846 and 1882. We analysed these two
epidemics using contemporary historical sources, mainly original church
Results: In the 1846 epidemic the data show a clear increase in morta-
lity in june and reach a peak in july of 741 fatal cases total, a four-fold
increase from expected baseline rate. The epidemic subsided in the
ensuing five months. A cluster of measles was described in the eastern
region of Iceland in 1869 but did not spread further. The epidemic of
1882 reached its peak in july, when 1084 individuals died, a five-fold
increase from the expected rate. Excess mortality was highest in N-Isa-
fjardarsysla county, 4,7 %, and none in A-Skaftafellssysla county where
the illness was described 13 years previously. The highest numbers of
fatal cases in the 1882 epidemic (64,6%) was among 0-4 year old child-
ren. The number of fatalities among women of child-bearing age was
more than two-fold compared to men; the number of births 7-9 months
following the 1882 peak dropped significantly by 50%.
Conclusions: This study highlights the consequences of measles fol-
lowing introduction into a largely susceptible population and also docu-
ments the importance of herd immunity. Information can be identified on
most individual fatalities during the 1846 and 1882 measles epidemics
in Iceland.
key words: Measles, mortality, epidemic, historical sources, pregnancy.
Correspondence: Magnús Gottfreðsson magnusgo@landspitali.is
1Faculty of medicine, university of Iceland, 2Directorate of Health, 3Landspítali university Hospital
Extent and impact of the measles epidemics of 1846 and 1882 in iceland
Sandra Gunnarsdottir1, Haraldur Briem1,2, Magnús Gottfredsson1,3
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