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Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a new therapeutic option
in wound healing and was first described in its present form in 1997. A
vacuum source is used to create sub-atmospheric pressure in the local
wound environment to promote healing. This is achieved by connecting
a vacuum pump to a tube that is threaded into a wound gauze or foam
filler dressing covered with a drape. This concept in wound treatment
has been shown to be useful in treating different wound infections,
including diabetic wounds as well as complex infections of the abdomen
and thorax. NPWT has been used in Iceland for over a decade and its
use is steadily increasing. This review describes the indications and
outcome of NPWT and is aimed at a broad group of doctors and nurses
where recent Icelandic studies on the subject are covered.
negative pressure wound therapy – review
Ingibjorg Gudmundsdottir1, Steinn Steingrimsson1, Elsa Valsdottir1,2, Tomas Gudbjartsson1,2
key words: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), vacuum assisted closure, wound infection, treatment, outcome, review.
Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud@landspitali.is
1Department of Surgery, Landspitali University Hospital, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland.
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1. Clemens et al. Expert Opin. Pharmacother; 11(2): 1-14, 2010
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