

Læknablaðið - 01.11.2014, Blaðsíða 23

Læknablaðið - 01.11.2014, Blaðsíða 23
LÆKNAblaðið 2014/100 591 ENGLISH SUMMARY introduction: The aim of the research is to investigate work injuries among 13-17-year-old teenagers in Iceland, their causes and serious- ness. Firstly, the prevalence of work injuries among the age-group is examined, as is the length of their absence from work, as well as the gender and age differences of both factors. Secondly, the type and the cause of the injuries are investigated. Thirdly, the most serious injuries and their causes are studied further. Material and methods: A survey was carried out amongst 2000 teena- gers, aged 13-17, randomly selected from the Registers Iceland. The response rate was 48.4%. The teenagers were asked in a closed ques- tion about whether they had had an accident at work, and in an open one about the type and cause of the injury. A Chi-square test was used to test statistical significance: 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: A fifth of the young people had had an accident at work, one quarter of the injured workers were absent from work because of the inj- ury of which 5.9% for more than a week. The percentage of injured wor- kers increases with age and has reached 30,7% among the 17-year-olds. Cuts and sprains were the most common injuries, whereas back injuries and bone fractures caused the longest absences. Sharp instruments were the most common cause of an injury, but lifting/carrying a (heavy) object as well as a fall of an object caused the longest absences. Conclusion: The prevalence of young workers’ injuries and the serious- ness of some of these injuries are of concern. In addition to education on occupational health and safety (OHS) and OHS training, future research must analyse if their labour market position threaten the young people’s safety, and if it is the case, how to prevent it. Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Iceland. key words: Work injuries, teenage workers, seriousness of work injuries, types of work injuries, causes of work injuries. Correspondence: Margrét Einarsdóttir, margrei@hi.is Work injuries of 13-17-year-old icelanders: Causes and consequences Margret Einarsdottir, Gudbjorg Linda Rafnsdottir, Jonina Einarsdottir Heimildir 1. Einarsdóttir M. Paid Work of Children and Teenagers in Iceland: Participation and protection. Óprentuð doktors­ ritgerð, Félags­ og mannvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands, 2014. 2. Rafnsdóttir GL. Barn­ og ungdomsarbete i Norden. Nord 1999: 23; 1999. 3. Dunn KA, Runyan CW, Cohen LR, Schulman MD. Teens at work: a statewide study of jobs, hazards, and injuries. J Adolesc Health 1998; 22: 19­25. 4. Hobbs S, Anderson S, McKechnie J. Exploring risks faced by child workers in Britain. Int J Sociology Soc Policy 2009; 29: 176­85. 5. Simoyi P, Frederick L, Niezen C. 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