Bókasafnið - 01.09.2009, Qupperneq 22
Information literacy and its importance for the
information and knowledge society
The article gives a condensed survey about the origin and
the development of the concept information literacy and
deals with its relevancy for social, cultural and economic
development of the society and further it states the
importance of its promotion around the world. The author
points out that just a few articles have been written about
the concept in Icelandic, the first one in 2001. International
information literacy projects are covered, e.g. initiated by
IFLA and UNESCO and the global information literacy logo is
presented. The policy of the Icelandic government concerning
the information society is traced; the first one released in 1996
entitled The Icelandic Government’s vision of the Information
Society. Since then several new policies have been published;
the last one for 2008-2012. Discusses also the information
policy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and
how it is reflected in the curricula for primary and secondary
schools. Further the emphasis/under emphasis on libraries
and their services is analyzed and pointed out that in the new
laws for primary and secondary schools from 2008 the articles
on school libraries and their services have been removed
and there is no mention of information services of any kind.
The author concludes by stating that the emergence of the
information technology has made access to information
in Iceland much easier. Material is now accessible on the
Internet that was not as easily accessible before. This can also
at least partially been ascribed to the Information Law from
1996 and rising awareness of the mass media in calling for
information from governmental bodies. The author places
emphasis on that every citizen becomes information literate
and encourages that Icelandic schools at all levels have
information literacy as integrated part of their curricula.
Sjúkrahúsið á Húsavík var vígt 17. nóvember
1936. Eins og sjá má af kvæðinu í þessari
tilkynningu var farið að safna fyrir
bókasafni við sjúkrahúsið þegar það
nálgaðist sextánda árið. Ekki er vitað hver
orti kvæðið en hugsanlega var það sr.
Friðrik A. Friðriksson. Hann var í
undirbúnings- og byggingarnefnd og síðar í
stjórn Sjúkrahúss Húsavíkur 1933-61,
formaður 1949-61. Auk annarra
trúnaðarstarfa var hann einnig í stjórn
Bókasafns S-Þingeyjarsýslu 1938-62,
formaður frá 1956. Prestur, prófastur,
rithöfundur, orti sálma og þýddi. Dóttir
hans, Birna Guðrún, starfaði lengi sem
skjalavörður á Biskupsstofu. Eftirmaður
hennar, Kristín H. Pétursdóttir, fann skjalið
og bar undir Birnu. Henni þótti fremur
líklegt að faðir hennar hefði skrifað kvæðið
en dró í efa að skriftin væri hans.
Heimild: Guðfræðingatal 1847-2002.
Bóksafn Sjúkrahúss Húsavíkur