
Bókasafnið - 01.09.2009, Side 35

Bókasafnið - 01.09.2009, Side 35
35 bókasafnið árlegar verkefnaáætlanir safnsins og hrinda verkefnunum í framkvæmd. Á næstu síðum er birt myndrænt yfirlit yfir meginatriði stefnumótunarinnar. Abstract Knowledge for everyone The National and University Library of Iceland – Strategy 2009-2012 A new strategic plan 2009 - 2012 for the National and University Library is presented. It is the result of several months’ work, in which many people, both staff and stakeholders, participated. The main emphasis is on services to users, electronic solutions, collection and organization of digital material as well as collaboration with related institutions. The environment of the library is changing, driven by technological developments. The electronic collection is growing rapidly and it is therefore important to develop the library’s websites and searchtools in order to give better access to it. The basis for innovation and development of new services are the Icelandic library system, Gegnir and The Iceland Consortia for electronic subscriptions, hvar. is. Another important project is the increasing digitization of Icelandic material. New developments in the near future include collection and access to born digital material and the first steps towards longtime preservation of digital material. Eight aims or strategic priorities are identified from the library‘s purpose and vision: Electronic dissemination and access to library material• Collection and cataloguing• Digitalization• Longtime preservation• Collaboration with the University of Iceland and other • users Services• Effective organization and management• The library as a good workplace • Stefnumótunarfundur með helstu hagsmunaaðilum fór fram í Þjóðmenningarhúsinu, hinu gamla húsnæði Landsbókasafns, í febrúar 2009. Fánar Þjóðmenningarhússins og Landsbókasafns Íslands – Háskólabókasafns blöktu við hún. Stefnumótunin var rædd í hópum. Í þessum hóp sátu Hörður Sigurgests- son, Edda G. Björgvinsdóttir, Guðrún Tryggvadóttir, Ragna Steinarsdóttir og Sveinbjörg Sveinsdóttir.



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