Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2015, Side 26

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2015, Side 26
UPPELDI OG MENNTUN/ICELANDIC JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 24(2) 201526 VEGFERÐ TIL FULLORÐINSALDURS EGRIS (The European Group for Integrated Social Research). (2004). Sótt af http:// www.iris-egris.de/egris/ Eisenstadt, S. N. (1966). Modernization: Protest and change. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Elder, G. H. (1974). Children of the great depression: Social change in life experience. Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press. Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. London: Faber & Faber. Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Evans, K., Rudd, P., Behrens, M., Kaluza, J. og Woolley, C. (2001). Reconstructing fate as choice? Initial findings from the comparative study ‘Taking Control?’: Personal agency and social structures in young adult transitions in England and the new Germany. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 9(3), 2–8 doi:10.1177 /110330880100900301 Fornäs, J., Boëthius, U., Forsman, M., Ganetz, H. og Reimer, B. (1994). Ungdomskultur i Sverige: FUS-rapport nr. 6. Stokkhólmur: Symposion. Fuchs-Heinritz, W. (1984). Biographische Forschung. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Furlong, A. og Cartmel, F. (1997). Young people and social change: Individualization and risk in late modernity. Buckingham: Open University Press. Furlong, A., Woodman, D. og Wyn, J. (2011). Changing times, changing perspectives: Reconciling ‘transition’ and ‘cultural’ perspectives on youth and young adulthood. Journal of Sociology, 47(4), 355–370. doi:10.1177/1440783311420787 Gallie, D. og Paugam, S. (ritstjórar). (2000). Welfare regimes and the experience of unemploy- ment in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gestur Guðmundsson. (1992). Ungdomskultur som overgang til lønarbejde. Kaupmanna- höfn: Forlaget Sociologi. Gestur Guðmundsson. (2012). Félagsfræði menntunar: Kenningar, hugtök, rannsóknir og sögulegt samhengi (2. útgáfa). Reykjavík: Skrudda. Gestur Guðmundsson og Hulda Karen Ólafsdóttir. (2013). Brotthvarf og endurkoma fullorðinna í nám á framhaldsskólastigi. Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 10, 44–64. Giddens, A. (1990). The consequences of modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self-identity: Self and society in the late modern age. Cambridge: Polity Press. Giele, J. Z. og Elder, G. H. Jr. (ritstjórar). (1998). Methods of life course research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage. Gillis, J. R. (1974). Youth and history: Tradition and change in European age relations, 1770– present. New York: Academic Press. Gilroy, P. (1993a). Between Afro-centrism and Euro centrism: Youth culture and the problem of hybridity. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 1(2), 2–12. doi:10.1177/110330889300100201 Gilroy, P. (1993b). The black Atlantic: Modernity and double consciousness. London: Verso. Giroux, H. A. (1996). Fugitive cultures: Race, violence and youth. New York: Routledge. Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir. (1999). Barn- och ungdomsarbete i Norden. Kaupmanna- höfn: Norræna ráðherranefndin.
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