Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2015, Side 124
a large component of graduate studies at the Iceland University of Education. In
addition, the newly founded program in international studies in education, taught in
English, was placed in the Faculty of Education Studies. In the fall semester of 2015,
the faculty comprised about 20 members of academic staff as well as around 200
undergraduate students and 350 graduate students. The faculty has graduated 19 PhD
candidates to this date (November 2015).
By writing these articles, the journal and authors hope that important information
about the development of educational sciences in Iceland is highlighted and celebrated.
Gudny S. Gudbjornsdottir (gg@hi.is) is professor of education at the University of Ice-
land. She holds a Ph.D.-degree in education from the University of Leeds, an MSc.-
degree in psychology from the University of Manchester, and a BA-degree in psychol-
ogy from Vassar College, N.Y. Her research fields are mainly gender and education,
leadership and gender, cultural literacies, and children’s cognitive development. She
was one of the founders of the Women’s Research Centre at the University of Iceland
in 1991, and RannKyn, the Center for Research on Equality, Gender and Education in
2010. She was an elected member of Parliament for the Women’s Alliance in 1995–1999.
Sigrun Adalbjarnardottir (sa@hi.is) is professor at the University of Iceland, School of
Education. She holds both a master’s and a doctoral degree from Harvard University.
Her research projects include a longitudinal study on risk, relationships and the re-
silience of young people; youth’s civic engagement; youth’s social and interpersonal
awareness; parenting styles; teachers’ professional development; and school develop-
ment. She founded the research centre: Challenges Facing Children and Young Peo-
ple. Her major publication is the book Virðing og umhyggja: Ákall 21. aldar [Respect and
care: The challenge for the 21st century] (see www.uni.hi.is/sa).
Olafur Pall Jonsson (opj@hi.is) is professor of philosophy at the School of Education,
University of Iceland. He holds an MA-degree in philosophy from University of Cal-
gary, Canada, and a Ph.D.-in philosophy from Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge MA. Ólafur Páll has published three books on philosophy, Náttúra, vald og
verðmæti [Nature, authority and value] (2007), Lýðræði, réttlæti og menntun [Democracy,
justice and education] (2011) and Fyrirlestrar um frumspeki [Lectures on metaphysics]
(2012). He has also published one book for children Fjársjóðsleit í Granada [Treasure
hunt in Granada] (2014).
Ingolfur Asgeir Johannesson (ingo@hi.is) is professor at the University of Iceland,
School of Education. He completed his BA-degree in history and educational sciences
at the University of Iceland in 1979, cand.mag.-degree in history from the same uni-
versity in 1983 and a Ph.D.-degree in curriculum and instruction from the University
of Wisconsin, Madison in 1991. His research focuses on education policy, curriculum,
upper secondary education, and gender and education. He co-edited this Perspectives
section with Ólafur Páll Jónsson.