Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Qupperneq 69

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Qupperneq 69
6 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Tafla IY. Tala búpenings í árslok 1951, eftir sýslum Nautgripir cattle Sauðf Sýslur og kaupstaðir O O U G> C o 6» Q <u «0 ilistricts and towns ? O <u 6® ec ■ts c O 2 •C 2 s Q h O o 0) c -ö £ 8 — ,a "5 1 <u u •5 3 u e •3 ta U *C3 Q w S C3 00 íi a 00 £ Suðvesturland South-West 1. Gullbringu- og Iíjósarsýsla 2 178 463 394 3 035 39 - 12 2. Borgarf jarðarsýsla 1 920 510 270 2 700 8 — 3. Mýrasýsla 1 294 297 238 1 829 5 898 2 273 4. Snæfellsnessysla 1 026 229 297 1 552 10 074 10 346 5. Dalasýsla 619 134 224 977 14 206 3 377 6. Kaupstaðir towns1) 519 111 39 669 - Samtals total 7 556 1 744 1 462 10 762 30 225 15 1 008 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1. Barðastrandarsýsla 545 99 66 710 16 401 43 418 2. ísafjarðarsýsla 864 174 143 1 181 19 321 164 431 3. Strandasýsla 460 72 75 607 11 495 1 289 4. Kaupstaður town1) 42 7 2 51 441 — 10 Samtals total 1 911 352 286 2 549 47 658 208 1 148 Norðurland North 1. Húnavatnssýsla 1 732 273 306 2 311 38 877 17 1 024 2. Skagaf jarðarsýsia 1 921 473 175 2 569 18 873 6 635 3. Ej'jaf jarðarsýsla 3 529 633 557 4 719 11 526 23 435 4. Þingeyjarsýsla 2 189 334 317 2 840 42 261 116 798 5. Kaupstaðir towns1) 569 85 80 734 3 945 2 121 Samtals total 9 940 1 798 1 435 13 173 115 482 164 3 013 Austurland East 1. Norður-Múlasýsia 752 192 293 1 237 35 541 117 637 2. Suður-Múlasýsla 1 033 243 343 1 619 26 729 128 530 3. Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 352 95 116 563 10 311 335 162 4. Kaupstaðir towns1) 95 9 3 107 1 463 28 Samtals total 2 232 539 755 3 526 74 044 580 1 357 Suðurland South 1. Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 718 152 203 1 073 19 170 763 337 2. Rangárvallasýsla 3 563 777 600 4 940 19 518 209 384 3. Arnessýsla 5 274 1 333 959 7 566 - — - 4. Kaupstaður town1) 233 2 18 253 130 “ 6 Samtals total 9 788 2 264 1 780 13 832 38 818 972 727 Allt landið the whole country 31 427 6 697 5 718 43 842 306 227 1 939 7 253 Þar af whereof Sýslur districts 29 969 6 483 5 576 42 028 300 248 1 937 7 088 Kaupstaðir towns 1 458 214 142 1 814 5 979 2 165 ') SJn nuðnnmnlsgreinar við töflu I icc Xotcs to Table I. Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 7 Number of Livestock at thc End of 1951, bij Districts. sheep c o Oj — ’S O Hross liorses Loðdýr furred animals Alifuglnr poultry Svín, 6 mánnOa eða eldri pigs, 6 months of age and over Nr. Gemlingar lambs under 1 year of age Samtals total 4 vetra og eldri 3 gears of agc and over Tryppi 2—3 vetra goung horses 1—2 gcars of age Folöld colts and fillies under 1 gcar of age Samtals total Refir allar tegundir foxes all kinds Minkar minks Hænsni chickens Endur ducks 8 05 *C0 8 u 20 71 _ 693 85 u 789 65 18 200 28 41 243 i 10 128 10 136 - 1 850 424 149 2 423 - - 2 347 3 10 _ 2 7 872 14 045 - 1 645 414 78 2 137 - - 1 428 5 25 - 3 6 463 16 893 - 1 158 181 68 1 4(17 24 - 919 - - _ 4 4 497 19 083 - 1 284 216 9 1 509 9 - 1 039 4 21 _ 5 553 553 - 338 31 x 372 - 22 608 - - 48 6 29 533 60 781 - 6 968 1 351 318 8 637 33 65 46 541 40 97 291 2 502 19 364 _ 572 11 2 585 1 665 1 3 462 23 378 - 569 20 2 591 - - 2 563 5 6 _ 2 2 239 14 024 - 583 50 1 634 5 - 1 205 - 3 _ 3 67 518 - 9 2 - 11 - - 665 - 3 - 4 8 270 57 284 - 1 733 83 5 1 821 5 - 6 098 5 12 - 10 346 50 264 5 6 682 1 166 290 8 138 26 2 704 7 43 1 8 017 27 531 - 5 262 1 171 79 6 512 - - 2 143 - 17 9 2 5 216 17 200 - 1 312 193 32 1 537 - - 7 528 22 29 2 3 10 761 53 936 171 1 321 44 14 1 379 4 - 3 406 31 3 _ 4 1 461 5 529 460 45 9 514 - 45 2 686 - - 59 5 35 801 154 460 176 15 037 2619 424 18 080 30 45 18 467 60 92 70 9 069 45 364 18 1 115 34 23 1 172 2 926 2 1 6 249 33 636 6 671 38 24 733 - - 4 023 35 76 44 2 2 388 13 196 424 30 10 464 - - 740 - 15 — 3 228 1 719 ~ 10 2 - 12 - - 965 - 4 - 4 17 934 93 915 24 2 220 104 57 2 381 - - 8 654 37 95 44 2 736 23 006 _ 737 78 10 825 1 498 2 1 1 162 21 273 7 3 932 1 064 402 5 398 - - 4 292 - _ _ 2 - - - 3 608 506 152 4 266 - - 9 892 - - 36 3 39 175 - 3 - 3 - 828 - - - 4 3 937 44 454 7 8 280 1 648 564 10 492 - - 16 510 - 2 36 95 475 410 894 207 34 238 5 805 1 368 41 411 68 110 96 270 142 298 441 93 127 402 400 207 33 418 5 725 1 356 40 499 68 65 68 518 142 291 334 2 348 8 494 - 820 80 12 912 - 45 27 752 - 7 107
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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