Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Qupperneq 76

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Qupperneq 76
Cn rf-. C5 tO 14 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Suðvesturland South-West 1. Gullbr,- og Kjósars. . 2. Borjjarfjarðarsýsla .. 3. Mýrasýsla ......... 4. Snæfcllsnessýsla .... 5. Dalasýsla ......... 6. Kaupstaðir towns1) . Samlals tolal Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1. Barðastrandarsýsla . 2. ísafjarðarsýsla ... 3. Strandasýsla ...... 4. Iíaupstaður towrí1) . Samtals total Norðurland North 1. Húnavatnssýsla .... . Skafiaf jarðarsýsla ... . Eyjafjarðarsýsla .... . Þingeyjarsýsla ...... . Kaupstaðir towns1) . Samtals total Austurland East 1. Norður-Múlasýsla ... 2. Suður-Múlasýsla .... 3. Austur-Skaftafellss. . 4. Kaupstaðir towns1) . Samtals total Suðurland South 1. Vestur-Skaftafellss. . 2. Ranj;árvallasýsla .. . 3. Árnessýsla ........ 4. Kaupstaður towrí1) . Samtals total Allt Iandið the whole countrg Þar af wliereof Sýslur districts . .. Iíaupstaðir towns . . Tafla VI. Búsafurðir árið 1951, eftir sýslum. Mjólk milk Snuðfé fargað sheep slaughtered and sold Heimnnotnð used on thc farm Selt sold 100 1 Utnn heimilis outside the farm Slátrað slaught- on the Lömb lambs Ær ewes Snuðir oghrútar whethcrs and rams, head Veturgnmnlt í year old, head tilmnnneld- isforhuman consump- tlon, 100 1 til fóðurs for feeding of animals 100 I seld sold, head slátrað slaughtered, head mylknr milch, head Geldnr dry, head lömb lambs, head 8 107 933 40 201 3 3 546 2 786 772 73 522 1 131 7 015 1 382 35 599 - - - " - 7 621 587 20 021 6 921 7 66 385 15 478 579 6 878 427 2 591 30 4 19 153 652 13 374 836 99 2 911 6 142 225 12 29 290 336 4 070 371 7 135 - 591 571 126 19 32 114 55 665 4 688 109 933 3 347 13 791 3 612 921 140 1 063 2 618 10 824 435 2 203 4 625 7 937 551 10 19 50 923 10 365 576 9 940 7 078 6 684 724 69 93 118 2 836 10 464 239 674 2 878 7 674 846 47 25 165 1 288 136 - 667 63 2 - 5 — 31 789 1 250 13 484 14 581 22 358 2 123 126 137 338 5 047 25 925 616 15 384 5 390 22 979 415 143 72 169 447 23 932 1 169 21 022 475 6 730 200 10 37 514 409 17 082 1 951 64 227 781 2 472 32 9 13 161 1 847 29 724 1 810 21 010 3 599 39 527 1 185 597 107 305 1 410 6 118 123 6 764 101 887 42 24 20 37 1 229 102 781 5 669 128 407 10 346 72 595 1 874 783 249 1 186 5 342 15 670 261 305 137 27 491 1 568 545 54 101 555 18 869 615 2 931 66 19 678 1 059 289 44 160 1 276 7 174 183 255 6 6 906 273 53 26 16 785 1 841 - 514 16 381 60 8 6 2 940 43 554 1 059 4 005 225 54 456 2 960 895 130 279 3 556 9 849 480 5 792 7 14 248 886 65 229 38 892 13 966 1 542 56 029 2 23 831 4 719 25 113 1 335 1 770 14 991 2 186 95 765 - 22 377 16 917 582 181 2 562 1 738 1 112 14 3 795 4 34 24 - 4 8 51 39 918 4 222 161 381 13 60 490 22 546 672 527 3 943 4 451 273707 16 888 417 210 28 512 223 690 33 115 3 397 1 183 6 809 21 014 254430 16 380 398 335 28 391 221 734 32 416 3 239 1 134 6 725 18 680 13 277 508 18 875 121 1 956 699 158 49 84 2 334 1) Sjn neðanmólsgreinnr við töflu 1 see Nolcs to Table 1. Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 15 Livestock Products 1951, by Districts. Nnutgripir fargnð cattle slauglitered and sold Hross fargnð Iiorses slaughtered and sold «5^3 a ö t®2í «2 - £ X 01 •ö Vanhöld loss of heimn ered farm 13 C _ o U O •Ö 73 2 ■3 e V k. JO 41 CB '2 t£~- U Oí c2 2 4Í c •o c ’*o S U o O l- .w =3§g Ull wool kg Kýr cows, hcad Geldneyti dry cattle, h Kálfnr calvci head 4 vetrn og « 3 years old a he.ad |l > s> n "c 1 1 SJ ~ -c Folöld colts and fii undcr 1 ycai tc§ ©7? e T.S5 ce a. H ca 01 tfi tc tí u ’SS « |l S 3 <1 §■ 41 ■c «2 *2 ■« 3 C C5 41 C/5 « Nautgripir < head 41 «9 o •=: 09 01 2 53 s « Nr. 2 133 8 716 305 82 1 578 47 4 9 309 2 212 755 7 272 968 12 7 i - - 272 164 1 405 166 55 203 1 235 970 105 - 38 21 2 112 8 871 238 231 883 154 64 138 - 153 786 33 195 10 13 3 275 15 313 249 212 592 112 19 96 - 91 900 14 284 20 16 4 164 22 183 167 193 376 102 16 131 - 103 900 13 289 16 11 5 147 1 018 52 13 391 40 3 2 368 2634079 6 932 117 6 4 6 2 831 56 101 1 283 895 5 225 621 161 579 678 5 432 390 14 369 1 853 102 72 1 051 26 392 131 58 347 51 168 700 250 583 11 2 1 1 595 28 858 167 123 576 58 2 5 - 259 705 73 700 6 2 2 782 19 583 86 89 222 36 6 30 - 126 500 34 445 6 5 3 - 43 1 - 37 - - - - 66 500 - 7 - - 4 3 428 74 876 385 270 1 182 145 8 35 - 621405 357 1 735 23 9 471 67 325 389 339 1 248 760 403 1 985 270 400 52 1 027 44 175 1 222 32 823 472 319 1 550 637 352 1 306 22 241 945 561 610 29 108 2 335 18 277 584 151 2 669 190 36 10 55 804 690 1 047 312 92 17 3 2 883 69 444 332 142 1 573 114 2 19 - 344 202 147 1 910 33 11 4 229 3 101 55 10 386 72 16 7 336 286 000 45 48 5 - 5 4 140 190 970 1 832 961 7 426 1 773 809 3 327 413 1 947 237 1 852 3 907 203 311 3 136 58 809 91 156 319 94 2 1 _ 294 283 _ 6 177 20 14 1 2 066 44 933 138 179 513 55 2 1 24 406160 130 3 072 19 5 2 1 153 17 692 37 50 200 36 - - 74 000 286 10 - 3 163 689 22 1 97 4 — 97 500 — 48 _ — 4 6 518 122 123 288 386 1 129 189 4 2 24 871 943 130 9 583 49 19 1 966 32 555 133 92 451 79 4 22 _ 149 800 17 1 043 7 _ 1 3 860 38 458 422 128 2 594 249 35 601 - 434 740 506 1 720 48 47 2 7 732 37 386 429 129 3 479 106 2 3 136 1 017 550 260 4 500 84 31 3 16 148 17 3 188 16 “ - 89 540 96 37 - 4 13 574 108 547 1001 352 6 712 450 41 626 136 1 691 630 879 7 300 139 78 30 491 552 617 4 789 2 864 21 674f 3178 1 023 4 569 1 251 10 564 605 17 587 24 378 516 489 29 936 547 618 4 642 2 837 20 575 3 046 1 004 4 560 547 7 390 986 10 514 24 121 505 485 555 4 999 147 27 1 099 132 19 9 704 3 172 649 7 073 257 11 4
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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