Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 81

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 81
18 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Tafla IX. Verðmæti landbúnaðarframleiðslunnar 1951, eftir sýslum, Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Suðvesturland South-West 1. Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla .............. 2. Borgarfjarðarsysla....................... 3. Mýrasýsla ............................... 4. Snæfellsnessýsla ........................ 5. Dalasýsla ............................... 6. Kaupstaðir towns1) ...................... Samtals total Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1. Barðastrandarsýsla ...................... 2. ísafjarðarsýsla ......................... 3. Strandasýsla ............................ 4. Kaupstaður town1) ....................... Samtals total Norðurland North 1. Húnavatnssýsla .......................... 2. Skagafjarðarsýsla ....................... 3. Eyjafjarðarsýsla ........................ 4. Þingeyjarsýsla .......................... 5. Kaupstaðir towns1) ...................... Samtals total Austurland East 1. Norður-Múlasýsla ........................ 2. Suður-Múlasýsla ......................... 3. Austur-Skaftal'ellssýsla ................ 4. Iíaupstaðir towns1) ..................... Samtals total Suðurland South 1. Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla ................. 2. Rangárvallasýsla ........................ 3. Árnessýsla .............................. 4. Kaupstaður town1) ....................... Samtals total Allt landið the whole country Þar af whereof Sýslur districts ......................... Kaupstaðir towns ......................... Verðmæti búQárafurða value of lioestock products 3 «0 C u sil 3 §■ a w g 8 g 2 — 3 ~ iS =3 C 65 > 3 W tc x < < G. ir. c. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 12 249 2 402 44 2 727 370 9 940 - 255 284 1 6 661 536 227 185 5 082 1 421 142 110 3 008 3 125 146 125 - 2 817 349 35 3 230 442 39 757 7 833 849 6 661 813 2 737 4 323 41 205 4 676 5 493 50 312 - 2 349 4 018 45 152 - 199 19 - 80 9 961 13 853 136 749 - 9 271 8 727 1 704 325 9 660 3 020 1 296 296 22 18516 1 893 183 976 55 10 598 13 234 100 415 - 2 832 723 73 344 336 50 877 27 597 3 356 2 356 413 3 367 8 737 77 353 4 581 6 242 46 489 24 1 540 2 190 29 89 - 510 356 3 117 - 9 998 17 525 155 1 048 24 3 448 4 336 75 180 17 010 8 346 466 527 - 26 477 11 604 87 1 224 163 1 226 34 13 108 - 48 161 24 320 641 2 039 163 158 754 91 128 5 137 12 853 ' 1 413 151 170 89 647 5 013 8 947 635 7 584 1 481 124 3 879 778 1) SJá neðnnmálsgreinar við tðflu 1 scc Xotcs to Table I. Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 19 The Value of the Agricultural Production 1951, by Districts. Verðmæti garðafurða value of tuber and root crops etc. Tekjur af hlunnindum subsidiary income Selt hej' hay sold Afurðatjónsbætur subsidics duc to discases in shcep Aðrar tekjur (brúttó) af landbúnaði other income (gross) Heimilisiðnaður home work arlicles sold Samtals total Nr. Loðdýr furred animals Kartöflur potatoes Rófur turnips tí gSb Saf Gróður- húsaafurðir oegetables lOOOkr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 38 854 222 133 1 015 224 120 4 98 19 20 519 í - 277 61 8 446 150 276 1 440 121 - 13 259 2 4 262 13 2 234 466 88 1 892 31 5 10 606 3 20 156 50 - - 141 12 998 61 4 8 197 4 4 79 11 - - 202 15 560 26 11 7 312 5 - 5 317 396 150 93 84 81 24 11 13 029 6 66 6 945 753 293 1 695 1 276 595 4 975 361 50 72 922 7 227 98 1 325 6 108 11 8 089 1 36 282 94 3 - 300 184 - 89 29 11 548 2 7 53 25 - - 338 5 - 9 16 7 017 3 1 - - - - - 299 4 50 563 217 4 - 963 195 - 206 56 26 953 14 192 30 8 293 55 25 92 11 20 747 1 201 81 - 63 229 183 2 680 81 11 17 823 2 - 714 36 12 93 83 170 3 087 174 15 26 007 3 25 1 046 63 12 108 633 150 1 125 85 26 595 4 - 782 2 - - - 459 6 - 5 557 5 39 2 935 212 24 272 1 238 558 6 252 478 122 96 729 _ 419 97 1 182 15 28 94 25 13 395 1 574 189 - - 182 16 27 75 28 12 473 2 - 802 155 - - 157 15 - - - 4 977 3 - 72 3 2 - 1 063 4 - 1 867 444 1 - 521 48 55 169 53 31 908 473 98 51 5 8 19 8 693 1 1 516 48 1 - 39 174 - 14 - 28 141 2 - 1 662 26 211 2 281 335 118 - 63 - 44 251 3 - 121 34 - - 201 - - 5 - 1 742 4 - 3 772 206 212 2 281 626 297 - 90 19 82 827 155 16 082 1 832 534 4 248 4 624 1 693 11 282 1 304 300 311 339 155 9 789 1 397 384 4 248 4 330 1 607 10 742 1 269 289 289 649 ~ 6 293 435 150 — 294 86 540 35 11 21 690
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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