Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 85

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 85
** cc 10 22 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Tafla XI. Kaupgreiðslur í peningum og fríðu1) Farm Wages in Cash and Greltt blirnum og foreldrunÞ) paid to the farmers’ children and parents1) Sýslur districts 16—65 ára Í6—65 years of age Yngri en 16 árn, eldri en 65 ára under 16 years of age, over 65 years Samtals tolal Karlnr males Konur females Suðvesturland dngar3) 1000 kr dagar 1000 kr. dngar 1000 kr. dugar 1000 kr. South-West 1. Gullbr,- og Kjósars. . 21 118 856 16 945 408 3 044 21 41 107 1 285 ‘2. Borgarfjarðarsýsla .. 29 501 989 22 353 479 4 493 63 56 347 1 531 3. Mýrasýsla 17 451 531 15 371 333 1 999 39 34 821 903 4. Snæfellsnessýsla .... 22 428 511 18 755 321 2 635 33 43 818 865 5. Dalasýsla 21 780 527 15 944 293 2 386 35 40 110 855 (i. Kaupstaðir towns4) . 973 62 1 160 50 2 133 112 Samtals total 113 251 3 476 90 528 1 884 14 557 191 218 336 5 551 Vestflrðir Western Peninsula 1. Barðastrandarsýsla . 26 188 706 19 770 345 6 685 77 52 643 1 128 2. ísafjarðarsýsla 32 676 899 27 547 560 5 834 84 66 057 1 543 3. Strandasýsla 19 975 752 17 661 271 858 8 38 494 1 031 4. Kaupstaður town4) . - - - - - Samtals total 78 839 2 357 64 978 1 176 13 377 169 157194 3 702 Norðurland North 1. Húnavatnssýsla .... 30518 870 35 819 718 11 533 140 77 870 1 728 2. Skagafjarðarsýsla ... 29 255 799 23 946 495 18597 257 71 798 1 551 3. Eyjafjarðarsýsla .... 42 504 1 450 34 626 792 14 276 283 91 406 2 525 4. Þingeyjarsýsla 48 874 1 526 49 807 1 130 6 318 112 104 999 2 768 5. Kaupstaðir towns4) . 4 179 112 1 439 33 203 5 5 821 150 Samtals total 155 330 4 757 145 637 3 168 50 927 797 351 894 8 722 Austurland East 1. Norður-Múlasýsla . .. 38 605 873 30 692 490 1 090 19 70 387 1 382 2. Suður-Múlasýsla .... 28 312 666 23 166 439 6 125 84 57 603 1 189 3. Austur-Skaftafellss. . 7 732 113 9 920 137 380 5 18 032 255 4. Kaupstaðir towns4) . 149 15 503 14 - - 652 29 Samtals total 74 798 1 667 64 281 1 080 7 595 108 146 674 2 855 Suðurland South 1. Vestur-Skaftafellss. . 30 769 645 22 979 353 1 210 14 60 958 1 012 2. Rangárvallasýsla . .. 82 214 1 898 63 720 1 066 2 500 23 148 434 2 987 3. Árnessýsla 77 636 2 269 55 287 1 217 4611 73 137 534 3 559 4. Kaupstaður town*) . 654 19 455 14 - - 1 109 33 Samtals total 197 273 4 831 142 441 2 650 8 321 110 348 035 7 591 Allt landið the whole country 619 491 17 088 507 865 9 958 94 777 1 375 1 222 133 28 421 Þar af whereof Sýslur districts . .. 613 536 16 880 504 308 9 847 94 574 1 370 j 1 212 418 28 097 Kaupstaðir towns . 5 955 208 3 557 111 203 5 9 715 324 1) Að meðtöldu fœði inctudlng the value of board. 2) Par með talin fósturbörn og fósturforeldrnr including foster- Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 23 við landbúnaðarstörf árið 1951, eftir sýslum. in Kind 1951, bij Districts. Greitt öðrum hjúum paid to hired labourers 16- -65 ára 16- -65 years of aae Alls \ngri en 16 ara, eldn total under 16 years of age, Karlar males Konur females over 65 years dngnr 1000 kr. dagar 1000 kr. dagar 1000 kr. dagar 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 31 828 1 613 14 061 407 5 517 130 51 406 2 150 3 435 1 21 379 933 17 833 512 19 419 345 58 631 1 790 3 321 2 12 687 655 13 409 372 15 321 290 41 417 1 317 2 220 3 8 699 255 8 492 197 6 995 110 24 186 562 1 427 4 5 331 237 4 342 105 5 424 91 15 097 433 1 288 5 7 590 766 6 525 389 2 000 45 16 115 1 200 1 312 6 87 514 4 459 64 662 1 982 54 676 1 011 206 852 7 452 13 003 15 261 555 12 229 298 7 439 124 34 929 977 2 105 1 18 760 652 18 037 402 20 210 368 57 007 1 422 2 965 2 3 616 129 6 645 136 5 762 94 16 023 359 1 390 3 1 043 47 100 4 - - 1 143 51 51 4 38 680 1 383 37 011 840 33 411 586 109102 2 809 6511 24 728 994 26 359 650 22 570 402 73 657 2 046 3 774 1 19 737 743 18 510 506 21 616 314 59 863 1 563 3 114 2 31 755 1 412 31 601 868 18 763 379 82 119 2 659 5 184 3 21 478 875 28 873 793 11 774 234 62 125 1 902 4 670 4 4 729 424 2 687 93 100 2 7 516 519 669 5 102 427 4 448 108 030 2 910 74 823 1 331 285 280 8 689 17411 20 325 670 19 787 437 6 262 116 46 374 1 223 2 605 1 10 610 350 8 546 197 6 259 112 25 415 659 1 848 2 3 157 67 3 321 51 3 590 51 10 068 169 424 3 421 37 60 4 - 481 41 70 4 34 513 1 124 31 714 689 16 111 279 82 338 2 092 4 947 9 314 298 11 752 264 11 441 178 32 507 740 1 752 1 30 138 1 121 31 113 724 25 022 476 86 273 2 321 5 308 2 61 710 2 093 36 812 1 086 30 451 661 128 973 3 840 7 399 3 1 158 49 712 28 - - 1 870 77 110 4 102 320 3 561 80 389 2 102 66 914 1 315 249 623 6 978 14 569 365 454 14 975 321 806 8 523 245 935 4 522 933 195 28 020 56 441 350 513 13 652 311 722 8 005 243 835 4 475 906 070 26 132 54 229 14 941 1 323 10 084 518 2 100 47 27 125 1 888 2212 children and foster-parents. 3) Days. 4) SJá neðanmálsgreinar við töflu I see Xotes to Table I.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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