Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 86

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 86
24 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Tafla XII. Heildartekjur og gjöld framleiðenda landbún Gross Income and Expenditure of Agricultural Pro Sýslur og kaupstaðir distrir.ts and towns SuSvesturland South-West 1. Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla ................... 2. Borgarfjarðarsýsla ........................... 3. Mýrasýsla .................................... 4. Snæfellsnessýsla.............................. 5. Dalasýsla .................................... 6. Kaupstaðir towns 1) ......................... Samtals total Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1. Barðastrandarsýsla ........................... 2. ísafjarðarsýsla .............................. 3. Strandasýsla ................................. 4. Kaupstaður townl) ............................ Samtals total Norðurland North 1. Húnavatnssýsla ............................... 2. Sliagafjarðarsýsla ........................... 3. Eyjafjarðarsýsla.............................. 4. Þingeyjarsýsla ............................... 5. Iíaupstaðir townst) .......................... Samtals total Austurland East 1. Norður-Múlasýsla ............................. 2. Suður-Múlasýsla .............................. 3. Austur-Skaftafellssýsla ...................... 4. Kaupstaðir towns^) ........................... Samtals total Suðurland South 1. Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla ...................... 2. Rangárvallasýsla ............................. 3. Árnessýsla ................................... 4. Kaupstaður townl) ............................ Samtals total Allt landið the whole country Þar af whereof Sýslur districts ............................ Kaupstaðir towns ............................ Heildurtekjur gross income Verðmœti afurða value of agrlcultural products Vinnulaun móttekin í peningum wage income Vextir af innstæð- um, verðbréfum o. fl. interest on deposits, bonds elc. Aðrnr tekjur other income 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 20 519 3 295 188 705 13 259 2 199 172 662 10 606 1 465 135 710 8 197 2 093 56 955 7 312 2 369 78 751 13 029 688 47 83 72 922 12 109 676 3 866 8 089 2 386 92 765 11 548 2 383 106 878 7 017 1 983 96 597 299 - - 26 953 6 752 294 2 240 20 747 3 403 343 1 863 17 823 4 240 325 2 022 26 007 4 484 271 2 025 26 595 5 001 321 1 780 5 557 88 2 78 96 729 17216 1 262 7 768 13 395 3 053 206 2 238 12 473 2 007 94 1 000 4 977 2 841 93 656 1 063 1 139 4 106 31 908 9 040 397 4 000 8 693 1 716 78 1 382 28141 3 554 184 1 696 44 251 3 388 154 873 1 742 315 2 42 82 827 8 973 418 3 993 311 339 54 090 3 047 21 867 289 649 51 860 2 992 21 558 21 690 2 230 55 309 1) SJá nedanmálsgrcmnr við töflu 1 see Notea to Table /. Insurance and other tax free allowances. 2) Sknttur a fnsteignum, viðhnld þeirrn og fyrning taxe. Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 aðarafurða, og fjárfesting í landbúnaði, 1951, eftir sýslum. ducers and Agricultural Investments, 1951, by Districts. Heildargjöld total expenditure Tekjur umfram gjöld gross income less expenditure Ýmis gjöld sundry payments3) Fjárfesting i land- búnaði, sjá töflu XV agricultural invest- ments, comp. table XV Nr. Alls total Tilkostnnður við i landbúnnðar- framleiðslu agricultural expenditure O :»* O ae •O c o 2.«.5 5 <u s cn tn ~ o *3 a US JS * Vextir af skuldum interest on debts Alls | total 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 24 707 11 302 405 206 11 913 12 794 520 3 200 í 16 292 8 115 301 139 8 555 7 737 386 5 554 2 12916 5 360 213 151 5 724 7 192 291 2 826 3 11 301 3 707 89 126 3 922 7 379 360 2 634 4 10510 3 660 113 127 3 900 6 610 395 2 737 5 13 847 4 283 157 41 4 481 9 366 111 278 6 89 573 36 427 1 278 790 38 495 51 078 2 063 17 129 11 332 4 129 120 62 4 311 7 021 408 1 599 1 14 915 5 750 301 102 6 163 8 762 494 2 227 2 9 693 3 308 109 86 3 503 6 190 294 2 158 3 299 115 - - 115 184 - - 4 36 239 13 302 530 250 14 082 22 157 1 196 5 984 26 356 9 623 227 309 10 159 16 197 786 9 158 1 24 410 7 287 225 272 7 784 16 626 946 9 330 2 32 787 13 335 573 501 14 409 18 378 807 7 777 3 33 697 13 907 428 339 14 674 19 023 1 141 10 266 4 5 725 1 961 32 53 2 046 3 679 43 609 5 122 975 46 113 1 485 1 474 49 072 73 903 3 723 37 140 18 892 8 663 210 245 9 118 9 774 1 043 3 963 1 15 574 6 819 231 174 7 224 8 350 774 4 547 2 8 567 2 025 67 51 2 143 6 424 282 1 463 3 2 312 607 98 37 742 1 570 58 2 4 45 345 18 114 606 507 19 227 26 118 2 157 9 975 11 869 4 357 122 87 4 566 7 303 480 3 636 1 33 575 15 248 364 295 15 907 17 668 846 11 894 2 48 666 22 794 841 427 24 062 24 604 881 11 878 3 2 101 540 50 7 597 1 504 28 85 4 96 211 42 939 1 377 816 45 132 51 079 2 235 27 493 390 343 156 895 5 276 3 837 166 008 224 335 11 374 97 721 366 059 149 389 4 939 3 699 158 027 208 032 11 134 96 747 24 284 7 506 337 138 7 981 16 303 240 974 maintenance and repairs. 3) Eignnrsknttur, hvers konnr tryggingnrgjöld o. fl. frádráttnrliðir propertg tax pald, social 4 cv
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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