Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 90

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1953, Page 90
28 Búnaðarskýrslur 1951 Tafla XIV. Opnir skurðir, grafnir með skurðgröfum árið 1951. Ditclies Dug bg Excavators 1951. Ríkisframlag i 5 state aid m r Sýslur ob kaupstaðlr districts and towns c O CT- ö «2 § 't * tb v r ’K B ° T3 tc fl Si ? Skurðgrtiftur ditclies dug Framlag jarðrækt mnnna paid by fa Alls total f*ar af 5°/o til bún- aðnrfélngnnnu of which 5°/o paid to bettcrmenl societies Framlag til jnrð- ræktarmanna paid to farmers Heildarkostnaðar total cost Suðvesturland W 5 m m3 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. South-West Gullbr.- og Kjósarsýsla . II 22 058 79 542 ín m 6 105 222 Borgarfjarðarsýsla I 36 343 126 907 184 184 9 175 368 Mýrasýsla I 28 836 96 191 144 144 7 137 288 Snæfellsnessýsla I 10 086 39 727 63 63 3 60 126 Dalasýsla I 10 966 36 873 51 51 2 49 102 Kaupstaður town2) .... II 3 172 13 222 18 18 1 17 36 Samtals total 111 461 392 462 571 571 28 543 1 142 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla .... I 4 295 16 046 20 20 1 19 40 III 5 926 18 761 46 ~ - 46 ísafjarðarsýsla I 7 056 20 090 62 62 3 59 124 Strandasýsla I 4 965 15 714 33 33 2 31 60 Samtals total 22 242 70 611 115 161 6 109 276 Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla I 38 787 115 339 181 181 9 172 362 II 19 074 62 434 118 118 6 112 236 III 11 790 56 407 - 141 - - 141 Skagaf jarðarsýsla I 21 480 82 081 133 133 7 126 266 II 19 209 68 123 97 97 5 92 194 III 4 635 24 776 - 62 - - 62 Eyjaf jarðarsýsla I 33 793 142 655 206 206 10 196 412 II 11 211 42 338 48 48 2 46 96 Þingeyjarsýsla I 32 198 124 965 186 186 9 177 372 II 11 226 53 997 56 56 3 53 112 III 7 650 38 024 - 95 - - 95 Ivaupstaðir towns3) .... I 2 942 12 646 30 30 2 28 60 II 1 367 5 749 8 8 0 8 16 Samtals total 215 362 829 534 1 063 1 361 53 1 010 2 424 Austuriand East Norður-Múlasýsla I 21 559 83 488 117 117 6 111 234 Suður-Múlasýsla I 4 654 16 478 35 35 2 33 70 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla . I 21 629 95 290 107 107 5 102 214 Samtals totul 47 842 195 256 259 259 13 246 518 1) I = skurðgröfur Vélasjóðs excavators posscsscd by Statc Fund for Operation of Agrlcultural Machinary. II = skurðgröfur nuktunarsambnnda eðn einknaðilu excavators posaessed hy agricultural combines orprivates. III = skurðgröfurLnndnáms ríkisins excavatorsposscssed by State Authority forReclainxing Land for Cnltivation. 2) Reykjavík. 3) Snuðúrkrókur, Siglufjörður, Akureyri.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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