Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.09.2008, Síða 27

Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.09.2008, Síða 27
Gordon W. Lathrop “Not as the Scribes, Not as the Rulers of the Nations:” On recovering the paradoxical authority of the pastor in late-modern times Late-twentieth century and early twenty-first century critical biblical study has reminded us that the ancient Christian books that make up the New Testament canon were not, at origin, foundational books. They were not written as a sort of initial constitution for a society only beginning to meet. Rather, they are important diverse sources for and records of an ongoing critique at various places in the early progress of a Christian movement already underway. They were intended as course corrections. Even as they presented foundational principles, they were documents of reform. The Pauline letters, for example, were written to existing Christian communities — some of which Paul himself founded, some of which he did not — and they were written with a still discernible reforming intent. The Lord’s Supper had been going on at Corinth, but Paul was vigorously seeking to convince its celebrants about important .changes they needed to make in their practice. Preaching had been taking place in Galatia, but Paul was seeking to refocus that preaching on what he calls “the gospel of Christ” (1:7). A similar purpose can be discerned in other texts, beyond the letters of Paul. Appointment to office had been taking place in the deutero-Pauline communities, but the author of the letters to Timothy was seeking, among other things, to reform and discipline the practice of office-giving and office-keeping. The examples could be multiplied. These written proposals, of course, became foundational documents as they took on canonical status amid the controversies of the second, third and 25
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