
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 2

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 2
EFNI CONTENTS Bls. Page Einarsson, Trausti: Late- and Post- glacial Rise in Iceland and Sub- crustal Viscosity .............. 157—166 Einarsson, Trausti: Physical Aspects oí Sub-glacial Eruptions ....... 167—174 Bodvarsson, Gunnar: On the Heat Transfer ancl the Temperature Microstructure at the Ocean Floor .......................... 175—183 Bodvarsson, Gunnar and D. J. llyley: The Measurement of the Weiglit Discharge from Geothermal Steam Wells .......................... 184-198 Bodvarsson, Gunnar: Some Consid- erations on the Optimum Pro- duction and Use of Geothermal Energy ......................... 199—206 Thorarinsson, Sigurdur: The Age of the Maximum Postglacial Advance of Hagafellsjökull eystri. A Thephrochronological Study (Ágrip) ........................ 207-210 Þórarinsson, Sigurður: Vatnajökuls- leiðangur 1966 ................. 210—215 — Some Events in 1965 and 1966 . . 215 Einar H. Einarsson: Suðurbrún Mýr- dalsjökuls við Gvendarfell. Breyt- ingar síðustu 100 ár o. fl. (With Summary) .......................... 216—218 BárÖarson, Hjálmar R.: Jökulskinna, gestabók á Hrolleifsborg, Dranga- jökli ............................. 219-225 Frá félaginu ............................. 225 M. Hallgrímsson og Þ. Þorbergsson: Mælingar á Vatnajökli sumarið 1965 ............................. 226-228 Rist, Sigurjón: Skriðskeri (Slush Col- lector) '....................... 228-229 (Continued p. 236) Eythorsson, Jon: Jöklabreytingar (Glacier Variations) 1964/1965 og 1965/1966 ........................ 230-231 Eythorsson, Jon: Reports on Sea Ice off the Icelandic Coasts Oct. 1965 —Sept. 1966 .......................... 232-236 XJpþer left hand Corner: The Craier Valley of Kverkfjöll ♦-------------------------------------♦ JÖKLARANNSÓKNAFÉLAG ÍSLANDS P. O. Box 884, Reykjavík Félagsgjald (þar í ársritið Jökull) kr. 200,00 Gjaldkeri: Sigurjón Rist Raforkumálaskrifstofunni Ritstjórar Jökuls: JÓN EYÞÓRSSON SIGURÐUR ÞÓRARINSSON GUÐMUNDUR PÁLMASON ICELAND GLACIOLOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 884, Reykjavík President and Editor of Jökull: JON EYTHORSSON P. O. Box 884, Reykjavík Secretary and Editor of Jökull: SIGURDUR THORARINSSON P. O. Box 532, Reykjavík Editor of Jökull: GUDMUNDUR PALMASON The State Electricity Authority, Reykjavík. Annual Subscription for receipt of the Journal JÖKULL 36 s. or S 5.00 PRENTSMIÐJAN ODDI H.F. ♦------------------------------------♦ The Cover Picture: The Nunatak Reyðarbunga, Drangajökull. Photo: Hjálmar R. Bárðarson, August 1966.



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